breastfeeding 8 month old baby taking solids, having gastric bypass

I asked this question before but I wasn't specific enough. My daughter is 8 months old and taking solids (3 meals a day and a snack), she also drinks 2oz of juice a day. I have always had to give some formula but I breastfeed her for the bond and to get her to sleep for naps and at night. I really enjoy the closeness it promotes and don't want to give it up. I have heard that you can pump and dump your milk after surgery and I am wonder does anyone know how long I would have to do that for?? I also wanted to know if anyone else out there has breastfed right after surgery and if so were they able to keep their milk?    — luvsexytrstno1 (posted on March 13, 2007)

March 14, 2007
Being an advocate of breast-feeding, I would definately encourage you to "pump & dump" and get back on a routine ASAP with your dd. You would need to do this for as long as you are on certain types of meds (antibiotics especially). Something as gentle as a tylenol would probably be fine, anything stronger such as tylenol 3 with codine for e.g. I wouldn't continue to nurse. Please contact your local La Leche League for specifics as to how long meds stay in our system. You should also check out there are tons of Q/As there. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 14, 2007
i don't think its a good idea to breastfed right after because your gonna be on some heavy drugs could make the breast milk bad for the baby taken solids already my daughter didn't want it on untill 12 months old ...well just my 2 cents i would ask your doctor about it for sure ..Roxanne
   — Roxanne piligno

March 14, 2007
Anna, I am gonna get real with you if you don't mind. You are dreaming if you think you will be able to have everything you ask. It would be a bigger miracle than losing weight. You will be eating next to nothing, and the foods you enjoy now will not taste good anymore or atleast for a long time. It is a complete change in your lifestyle. If you want to contiue to breast feed, than finish that stage of your life, then have surgery. Your baby is the most important thing and your breast milk is precious to your child. That really comes first in my opinion. Our second child was breast feeding fine and I started a diet to lose weight (again), and they assured me that I would be able to continue to lose weight and breast feed (Nutrisystems). So I signed up and paid my big money for their program. I lost weight, and I lost my breast milk as well. Surgery is so more complicated than diet and exercise. You have to ask yourself this question, if I have surgery now, will I be able to look back on my life and be glad I gave up nursing for this weight loss at this time in my life? I really hope you continue to nurse and wait the other several months before you go forward with surgery. You and your baby are worth it. Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

March 14, 2007
I agree with patricia P and I am a strong advocate of breastfeeding, having fed two myself. If you want to continue nursing, then I suggest you wait till you are reqdy to finish nursing. You just will not be taking in enough calories and nutrients for two people.
   — Novashannon

March 15, 2007
First of let me say that I have not breasrfed, but look foward to when the time comes. However, I had surgery 15mos ago and can remember what a struggle it was to get in all my fluids and protein. I have been in the medical field for several years so physiology I do get. The mere fluid challenge alone would make me have doubts, you need 64 oz in a day and in the begining weeks you are drink 1 oz every 15 minutes. I would also wonder about the content of the milk itself during rapid weightloss. Besides the possible lack of nutrients what about whatelse will make it in? In the early weeks/months we are in a state of ketosis. We normally urinate this waste build up out, but would it make it into the milk to? I have no idea for sure but you may want to specifially ask your doctor about the above mentioned as well as the wellhoned advice of these other wonderful mothers!
   — tazthewiz23

March 16, 2007
I met a gal in my support group who was breast feeding her 11 month old when she had RNY surgery. She pre-pumped and froze some breast milk, and then resumed breast feeding as soon as she was up to it after the surgery. (She must have pumped & dumped in between, but I am not sure.) I believe she resumed breast feeding about 2 weeks post op. I strongly recommend talking to a pediatrician before making any decision. Good luck to you! Patty.
   — Patricia R.

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