puffiness or swelling on left side of incisions one week post opp any suggestions on?
— karenw5 (posted on January 31, 2007)
January 31, 2007
It sounds like some sort of infection. please call your doctor. that is
the best place for the right answer.
— marykay0720
February 1, 2007
Is it hot to the touch? Painful? Anything leaking out of incision? If yes
to any you might have an infection, if not might just be healing.....hope
this helps.
— seanna
February 1, 2007
definitely call your surgeon, but a warm compress and some antibiotic
ointment wouldn't hurt I'm sure. I have had some problems in the past with
c-section incisions, and this always helped, but call your doctor , maybe
you need oral antibiotics.
— jlw0423
February 2, 2007
A little puffiness is normal, unless you see discharge or red streaks.
Best to check with your surgeon, though.
— Novashannon
February 4, 2007
After four days if there is puffiness and swelling you need to see your
surgeon the sonner the better.
— danosteve
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