6 months Post Op and having intermittent pain in right kidney?

Before I go see my surgeon I'm curious if anyone else has had this happen - I've been having soreness in my right kidney region after eating that last for a few hours then goes away. It doesn't happen after every meal but is happening more and more often in the past week. It feels like I've been punched there but once it passes just a mile bruise like feeling. I had an RNY 6 months ago and have been faithful to my protein, supplements, iron, b12, calcium etc... Nancy    — Villager (posted on September 9, 2006)

September 9, 2006
Nancy I am two months post op and I found that when I went back to work I was not getting enough water and I had pains in my kidneys. You may need to up your water intake. Good luck Rawnie
   — southernnmdreamer

September 9, 2006
Hi Nancy, maybe you have a kidney stone. Just a thought . Connie
   — Connie H.

September 9, 2006
Nancy, do you have your gallbladder still?
   — ccstann

September 9, 2006
Increasing your water intake maybe a good idea. If that doesn't work, have them check your kidneys.
   — the7thdean

September 9, 2006
Thanks gallbladder came out years ago (thank goondess)...I'll increase my water and see what happens.
   — Villager

September 9, 2006
I've had lots of tests done concerning this problem I'm 6 months post op also. The doctor told me it's because of an enlarger liver which will eventually shrink as we lose weight. I drink lots of water and am getting enough protein. I've had a ultra sound of the kidneys and an abdominal ultra sound with blood work. Hope this helps!
   — Deborah Joyner

September 10, 2006
Thanks Deborah - It never occurred to me it might be my liver!
   — Villager

September 11, 2006
You might want to check with your PCP as this may not be related to WLS at all.
   — mrsidknee

September 12, 2006
I got pains for a long time until my surgery healed up completely.
   — Novashannon

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