Please help. I have really having a hard time w/ my birth control.

I am having trouble assorbing my birth control. I never had problem before surgey. I am ready to pull my hair out. Is anyone else having this problem? What has worked for you? I am 3 yrs out and have been on 5 different kinds (I think). I have tried ortho 2 twice.    — circusmonkeys (posted on April 17, 2006)

April 17, 2006
Hi, I am only 4 months post-op, but my Dr. and I decided since I wasn't sure I would absorb the pills I would go on the ortho evra patch. Don't know if you have tried them yet, but they are working great for me. Also you could try the nuva ring (sp) it's fairly new. I would just try something that got absorbed in a different way than orally if I were you. Hope that helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 17, 2006
You can use the monthly Depo shot (I hear women gain tons of weight on that); the Norplant, a BC implant; the Nuva Ring (I used it for three or four months and my boyfriend told me he felt it a few times); the patch (which you have to change once a week); or an IUD (there are two kinds - the copper T and i can't recall the name of the other, but it actually releases estrogen and lowers the amount of bleeding). I opted for the copper T IUD, and am days away from getting it pulled out. I've had it for 2 years, and my menstrual flow has increased by 75%, not to mention the increase in cramping and that i am severely iron anemic from the blood loss. You can also consider getting your tubes tied, but i've heard that many women find themselves with many of the symptoms of menopause, so i would think long and hard about that option. Good luck - none of the choices are all that appealing to me, but i, too, will have to make a choice soon.
   — sweetmana

April 17, 2006
I would not recommend the Depo shot. I was warned about it possibly contributing to Osteoporosis but I figured my calcium levels were fine and it wouldn't be a problem. A little over a year on the shot and I was diagnosed with Osteopenia, borderline Osteoporosis and now on Fosamax for life. My calcium levels are still fine. I'm only 36.
   — boonikki29

April 17, 2006
I have been on Depo for years and I have had no problems with it. It definitely isn't for everybody, but if it works the way it should, it is a great option. The average weight gain on Depo is a little over 7 lb .. anyone using Depo as an excuse for massive weight gain is kidding themselves. There is concern over the calcium issue, and if you try Depo, be sure and have your doctor keep a close eye on that issue. Good luck.
   — Jeanie

April 17, 2006
Depo changed me from a normal person into an emotional witch! I would keep my bf up for hours just crying. I would want to kill, then be euphoric, then sad... The 1st 3 months went well, but the next 3 were pure hell. Every time I mention that I was on Depo to a doctor, they have and adverse reaction. I have yet to find a fan of that drug.
   — rebeka C.

April 17, 2006
I was having the same problem with absorbing the birth control pill - as I had a stricture early on and would vomit after injesting almost anything. I went on the Nuva Ring and am loving it. Three weeks in, one week out, and no daily worrying about anything! Its the easiest birth control ever and its very low hormones - much lower than the patch. It does not slip out or interfere with intercourse. I reccomend it 100%. Good luck to you.
   — KDFJones

April 18, 2006
Have you talked to your doctor about the patch or NuvaRing? After my surgery, my doctor was concerned about these issues so we talked about changing my birth control. I am allergic to adhesive, so I couldn't use the patch. She recommended the NuvaRing. I've been on it ever since. I love it. I just insert a ring, leave it for three weeks and then remove it. I haven't had any problems with it and it has been two years. Hopefully I can stay on it for a little while longer, until I'm ready to have a baby. I love it. If I were you, I'd ask my gyne about new methods. There are options other than oral contraceptives. Best wishes for health and happiness. Donna
   — djfoz

April 18, 2006
Hey Shannon, after surgery I was on the pill and had a scare. I switched to the Nuva Ring which was awesome. Wish I had been on that for some time. They were offering a free one on their website. But after surgery I knew I wasn't going to have any other kids. I have a 12 year old daughter. I opted to have the non surgical sterilization. There is a website for that too. It's It was easy and painless. Would recommend it to anyone that knows they do not want to have children. Better than be cut open and it is just as effective. E-mail me if you want more info.
   — kristiegarcia

April 18, 2006
Hi Shannon- I too have had problems with BC. I never did prior to my surgery 3 years ago, but since then have had complications. I have been unable to absorb the pill, had reactions to the nuva ring, the patch, and depo. I am now on ortho novium 1/50 and so far so good. It is a stronger pill so maybe since I don't absorb all of it, it works for me. You might ask your doc for something stronger than you are use to. Good Luck!!
   — dl_roark

April 18, 2006
I was never good with the pills. The shot made me a witch. 3 years ago I got a copper IUD, and I love it. The hormone IUD is called Mirena. I have not had the bad cramping or extreme bleeding like others have. I depends on what your body can tolerate. I have a 4 year old and I can keep my IUD until April of 2013. Coppers are good for 10 years and Mirena's are good for 5. I have heard great things about the Nuva Ring also. Best of Luck!
   — Tiff

April 18, 2006
How do you know if you're not absorbing the pill? Is it just that you throw it up? I just started bc for the first time (Yasmin) and I don't seem to be having a problem with it - but it's only been a week and a half... can some clarify this for me? Thanks.
   — SJSlesnick

April 18, 2006
HI Sandy S. I have had a lot of break threw bleeding. With all the pills I have tried Yesam (sorry Might have spelled that wrong). Some times I would be fine for a week or two then I would bleed for the rest of the time. Lets just say after 2 years of on off bleeding I'm fed up. Some times I would be fine for a month or two. Then my body would start again. Its like when all of a sudden you stop taking the pill before it is time and you start you peorid. Right now I am on seasonal (missed spelled) for the last 6 month. It was ok for awhile as long as I took it @ the same time everyday. If I didn't I would spot. but for the last month it really has sucked.... sorry just I want to be reg. again like I was before the surgey and I am one that I do remember to take my pill every day. THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE HELP ONE THIS QUESTION AND I;M GLAD I AM NOT ALONE. SHANNON
   — circusmonkeys

April 18, 2006
I will resume using NuvaRing once I am far enough out to go back on birth control. The patch would probably be good for you as well, since you are 3 years out and presumably under 200 lbs. Anyone else who reads this, though, Ortho Evra (the patch) has NOT been proven effective for women weighing over 200 lbs. It's on the package insert for the drug.
   — nicolerod

April 18, 2006
I am on the Nuva Ring and it is amazing. I had an initial problem with breakthrough bleeding but now everything is great.
   — tonifrisina

April 18, 2006
Your going to have to use patches or injections from now on.
   — vlaster

April 19, 2006
I had the weight loss surgery 5/31/05 and was placed on BC , I was using Necon, because I do eventually want to have another child, but I was not absorbing it either, my periods would come before it was due. Then after months I was changed to Yasmin, and that has worked perfect and for my sister too, who had the same problem after her surgery. Wendy
   — werlaw

May 8, 2006
I use the deposhot and love it. As for people saying women gain tons of weight, the research shows the weight gain being over a period of years and I believe its only about 10lbs. The first year the average weight gain was around 3? (im going from memory - could be off) As for osteoporsis with depo - they recommend not staying on longer than 2 years. If you do get regular bone density tests. Depo is harsh on your teeth and gums so you do have to take extra care of your teeth! If you are concerned about not absorbing this could be the way to go for a while :)
   — Jennifer K.

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