Hi Im 5 days out from surgery what are some diffrent names of medicine.
and mg that diffrent doctors have prescribed. Sorry the last time i asked theis question it ended up under someelses name. — Heidi P. (posted on February 4, 2006)
February 4, 2006
Hi i'm almost seven months post op and don't take any more prescribtion
medicines. But for the first six months I was taking actigall, which is for
people who still have their gall bladder. Because when you start losing
alot of weight if you don't take it you can start to get alot of gall
stones. I was also taking pepcid for a couple of months. I'm not sure what
that was for. That was all the prescriptions I was taking. The rest are
just the vitamins. I hope I helped. Let me know if you have anymore
questions. Jeannie
— jjeanniespets1
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