Do patients with sleep apnea require a respirator for a longer period

I have sleep apnea and my CPAP machine is on a setting of 13. How long post-op should I expect to be kept on a respirator? Also, should I take my CPAP machine to the hospital with me.    — BOB J. (posted on July 13, 1999)

July 13, 1999
I, too had sleep apnea and was free of that ball and chain after I lost 85 lbs. My weight at that time was 175. I am now 115 and it took me a year to lose 144lbs. You do not have to take you C-pap machine with you to the hospital. They will accomodate your needs there. You will feel a whole lot better when you get your ball and chain off of you. Good luck on your surgery and a whole new life.
   — Lorraine R.

July 13, 1999
Depends on how much weight you have to lose. How you carry your weight, which surgery you have and a thousand other things. I kept my CPAP til I hit goal, but I had to re\calibrate from 15 to 7.5 to 5. I think a lot of it was in my head. My husband was done with his in less than 60 days. He was at 10, then used mine at 5. But we were both SO dependent on it that we were afraid to stop! YES! Take yours to the hopsital, Your mask already fits your face and it's calibrated for you & you're used to your ramp, etc. AND it's a reminder to them to keep your lungs working! Later, when you're in a size 34 jeans, you can have your CPAP put under glass!
   — vitalady

July 13, 1999
I also use a CPAP machine. In fact, my doctor required me to have a sleep study before I was to have surgery. He told me that they would use the CPAP machine during surgery and recovery. Good Luck!
   — Julie M.

July 13, 1999
Ask your doctor if you need to bring your c-pap machine with you. My doctor requires his patients to bring it to the hospital with them. He said it will be used in recovery and through out the hospital stay. Hugs, Edie [email protected] Open RNY Surgery Date: July 27, 1999 Dr. Baker/Little Rock, Arkansas "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...but are felt in the heart." Helen Keller
   — Edie L.

July 13, 1999
Funny you should ask this question! I just came from my preadmission testing (open RNY scheduled for 7/29) and I was instructed to bring my machine with me and leave it in the car for afterwards. So, I guess it depends on the hospital's policy. Some do, some don't.
   — Jaye C.

July 13, 1999
I also use a CPAP machine at a setting of 14. They did not leave me on the respirator anymore than any other patient. They just made sure I was awake in recovery before they removed it. I used my CPAP during the hospital stay. Admission had me take it to engineering for inspection during my pre-admit visit. It was very convenant during the hospital stay in that they connected the oxygen line to a port on the mask for the first three days. Because you will have to get up and walk every two hours night and day, you sleep in little cat naps. I just kept my mask on most of the time. My surgeon also had a pulmanologist check me out before and after surgery. I had to do breathing treatments every other hour while in the hospital.
   — Ken C.

July 14, 1999
   — beth K.

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