How long do you have to wait to get pregnant after RNY?

I had RNY on Feb 18 I will be having to use IVF method to get pregnant and I was wondering how long I will have to wait or can someone tell me if I can go ahead and start.I really do not know how long the IVF process actually takes with all the appointments and things.Please help..    — davonjack (posted on July 17, 2010)

July 17, 2010
I think I heard in my orientation 2 years.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 17, 2010
Natasha: I don't know the right answer to your question, but I would strongly recommend the guidance of your surgeon and his staff to best advise you on the answers to your questions. As you are only now 5 mos. postop I would think it might be a tad too soon to even consider this as I cannot imagine you are at or near your WLS goal, or are you? I myself will only be 7 mos. postop on 7/29 and still have 40-50# more I would like to lose before obtaining my preop goal, but then again I am postmenopausal, so to me any further pregnancies were not even a consideration to my after-surgery route. However, I did glance at your profile and read the rave reviews you provided your surgeon, so I am sure he would be honored to provide you the guidance you need for this very special plan that is part of your life. And, if not, I am more than certain he is connected to an OB/GYN resource that is local to which he might refer you. Good luck and God Bless in your new journey and way of life.
   — momeego

July 17, 2010
I was told one year. But I would have to agree with Trish and check with your surgeon on what he/she recommends. Good Luck!
   — karabwi

July 18, 2010
I had RNY just for fertility reasons. The rule I was told was that I have to wait until my weight stabilizes before I start "trying" again. Usually this is 12 to 18 months after surgery.
   — Jessica K.

July 18, 2010
My surgeon told me to wait at least a year.
   — KristalleH

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