I had RNY Feb 18 why does diary products make me feel nausea?

I am only trying to take in like 2 oz of milk and I feel so sick afterwards.I can not eat icecream or anything diary!    — davonjack (posted on July 17, 2010)

July 17, 2010
Hi-after my RNY in 2004 I had to give up milk. Cheese is ok but milk makes me terribly nauseous and gives me diarrhea. I have tried Lactaid with some success. Good Luck!
   — Barbara P.

July 17, 2010
I only drink Lactaid, plus my NUT says, NO ice cream, it is loaded with sugar.
   — FSUMom

July 17, 2010
I became lactose intolerant after my RNY. Some will tell you that isn't possible. Well, then I am the exceptation. I went to lactose/fat free milk- for when I want milk... and I do just fine. I can still do yogurt and cheese... but skim milk makes me immediately sick.. best wishes to you
   — turtle829

July 18, 2010
I have found, from talking to many people who have had the RNY, that most become lactose intolerant... at least for the first 6 or so months. I have become lactose intolerant. I can handle cheese... even lactaide was hard for me so I now use Almond Milk (unflavored). Love it. It cooks well for soups and mashed things and is absolutely yummy in shakes... does not do well with puddings (neither does the soy milk)... so if I am going to make a pudding, I do use lactaide as it is a treat but I also know what to expect. I rarely eat any ice cream and if I do it is Breyer's low carb.... It is the only one I have found so far with a low amount of sugar alchohols (which causes me to dump). Hope this helps. Kathleen
   — Kathleen O.

July 18, 2010
I too became lactose intolerant after my RNY & was forewarned that it might happen. I use soy milk for almost everything now even puddings. It makes the puddings super creamy. I can eat cheese and things with the lowfat cream cheese and just started to tolerate some yogurts. Good Luck and don't be discouraged.
   — Cindya19

July 18, 2010
Are you trying 1% milk or skim milk? If you are drinking regular milk it may be making you sick because of the fat. Don't know - just guessing.
   — Muggs

July 19, 2010
Greetings: Knowledgeable surgeons strongly recommend giving up milk AFTER RNY. I didn't hear this from my surgeon: he was only into doing the surgery because of the money he made. When I did hear this, I was simply shocked because I was a heavy milk drinker. So, I decided to give up milk for 6 weeks -- which is what I do to test any change -- and then to reintroduce the product, in this case, milk. I was simply shocked! I found that milk kept weight on me, I felt sluggish, and simply wasn't sharp and energetic. I then did further research and bow to the wisdom of the knowledgeable doctors (and nutritionists -- I refuse to call them nuts because it seems to be so disrespectful). I gave up milk about 3 years ago and my body quickly lost more weight, and I now have energy I never had before. Also, on eggs: I couldn't eat an egg for 5 years following RNY. I now can and I am going on almost 6 years post-RNY. And, I have never had any ice cream. Honey, you need to develop new eating habits, which I know you will and are doing. My prayers are with you. Blessings, Christine.
   — Christine Gibson

July 19, 2010
will have my surgery 8/18 i am already latrose intolerance, so i can only drink soy milk and i go to a whole food store and buy latrose free yogurt and cottage cheese,cheese does not bother me,and I do not eat ice cream makes me sick and running to the bathroom, so you are probably latrose intolerance, check with your doctor
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 21, 2010
Yes,I can drink very small amounts of 1% milk.It does not seem to bother me nut yogurts do and cheese does.Any suggestions?
   — davonjack

July 24, 2010
I am 10 years post-op from my revision from VBG to RNY and I became lactose intolerant immediately following the RNY. In the beginning everything dairy except cheese would make me deathly sick. Eventually I was able to eat yogurt. I tried the Lactaid and couldn't really tell a difference in how I felt so I eventually just stayed away from anything that was fresh dairy. I did notice that I could cook something that I used milk in and that didn't seem to bother me. Sometimes I would get a craving for cereal or yes, the dreaded bit of ice cream. Most times I would just either ignore it or substitute something non-dairy (say for example instead of a bowl of cereal I would have a bowl of oatmeal) but on some occasions the craving would be very strong and I would go ahead and eat the dairy knowing full well that the next few hours were going to be spent in the bathroom doubled up in pain. I can promise you that it wasn't something I chose to do very often. Those times were enough of a reminder of why it just wasn't worth it to me. Over the years I bought several cartons of soy milk but never once did I open one. The intent was to use it so I could have cereal, something I really missed, but I couldn't bring myself to even open it. I was so convinced that it was going to be horrible. Eventually it would go out of date and get thrown away the next time I made the cleaning sweep through the refrigerator. Finally I bought a carton and actually opened it. To my surprise it wasn't awful. Far from it, it was a good substitute. I won't sit here and say it tastes exactly like cow's milk but I will say it tastes close enough that I enjoy a bowl of cereal with it now whenever I get the craving. I haven't tried the Almond Milk although I have contemplated it. I never drank any of the Lactaid milk either, just took the caplets. I hope you can find some healthy products that you can tolerate. Then if you get the craving for something cold and sweet you can make a thick protein shake and enjoy that. Good luck!
   — Kellye C.

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