Is this diet for real?

6 weeks post op with RNY, and the only thing I can keep down is pureed tuna, protein shakes, malt-o-meal, and soup. I can barely get down egg-beaters. Anything else gets "stuck", and then the real fun begins...frothing. If this is normal at this phase, I'll ride it out, but if I should be further along, I would like to know. I am absolutley terrified of eating in public for this reason. Help!! The worst part is that my husband is beginning to get annoid with this. He, and I, thought I would have a fairly normal diet, just eating a lot less. Am I wrong?    — e56700 (posted on April 22, 2010)

April 22, 2010
Yes this is normal. It takes time for your new stomach to heal and get adjusted to food again. Its like a newborn baby. Dont be in a rush to go back to regular food,it will be there wen your body is ready for it. Take this time to excercise and get in fluids. The foods that you say you are eating seems to be a good choice for post RNY. How much weight have you lost so far? I am 9 mos post op and went through the same thing as you at the same very same time. And it lasted until I was 2 mos post op.I hope everything works out for you. Tia
   — tiawillb

April 22, 2010
Oh yeah!Tricks to get through the food getting stuck is to chew your food real good.And to take small bites.Also do not drink 30 min before or after you eat.If you feel like you are getting full and you have food in your mouth,tastefully spit it out. I hope this helps,good luck!
   — tiawillb

April 22, 2010
I am 5 weeks post op. I am not having problems with food getting stuck, just doesn't taste good and feel a little sick to my stomach. We just have to remember to take it slow. We are not going to be able to eat what we used to eat nor should we want to that's how we got in the shape we were in. But I do know it gets better and food gets easier to eat. I have several friends that have had the surgery and they eat regular food with no problems.
   — jams951

April 22, 2010
Stick almost totally with the "sliders" at this point, like yogurt, soups and protein drinks. Follow all the suggestions above and very slowly try a little bit of a new food per whatever guidelines your doctor gives you. Be grateful your tool is working for you! When you start seeing drastic changes in the mirror, you'll be very pleased!
   — Janell C.

April 22, 2010
This is so normal gal, I am still not eating protein and I am 8 months out. It's been a rough road for me as far as food goes. I take in my shakes and get my water in, and try to eat enough so I can STOP losing, I am too thin now. As far as your hubby getting mad at you, tell him to cool his heels, or tell him to go out to dinner without you, MEN!!! It takes a long time to get used to eating, I have many friends that have had this operation and I do not eat like a normal person, I think I am one of them, I just take it one day at a time. Remember nothing feels better than thin!
   — FSUMom

April 22, 2010
congrats ont he surgery! sorry you having difficulties. I found that chewing very small bites of food worked best for me. I didn't froth. Usually one will froth is the food is sugary or you are eating too fast. Remember to wait 5 minutes between bites. Measure out your foods...make it routine. Normal diet is not int he cards for the first year or hitting goal. I do not even eat the same as I did prior to surgery and I am 22 months out. I met goal in 10 months and have maintained since. I follow the rules to the letter and have enjoyed a very normal life with a slight change in my food intake. I choose to eat small meals and make them healthy, low fat low carb choices. If you continue to have difficulties, contact your clinic as I am sure the nutritionist or nurse can help you figure out what to do to help. The early weeks are the hardest gets better with time and mistakes. hugs n God Bless,Kim
   — gpcmist

April 23, 2010
When I was having this isssue I asked my Doc and he told me to take a small sip of water just before I start to eat to help wat my pouch and then take very small bites and chew well and it should take me about 5 minutes to eat an oz of food. Have you asked your doc and if not you should. In time things will get better and easier. Hope this helped you some.
   — lscheller

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