No weight loss
Hi, I had my surgery 4/2008, gastric bypass, was 284 at the time of surgery and now at 215, have been at this weight for over 6 or more months now maybe a year, cant seen to lose any more. VERY DEPRESSED. — zydeko47 (posted on February 15, 2010)
February 15, 2010
it's possible that you may have stretched your stomach. It's not too
uncommon for some people to do that. I would recommend seeing your surgeon
who preformed your surgery.
— TyannaPrince
February 16, 2010
I just had surgery 2/10/10 and prior to surgery lost 40 lbs, I understand
your depression, its normal. But you cant dwell too much, my good friend is
a nutritionist and I got alot of my tips from him. Are you excercising ? if
not start cause thats a big thing by itself. You need to shock your body,
make sure you cut out all white flours and Im sure your not using sugar? Do
some type of cardio everyday , start out at 15min, then do 1/2hr, 45min,
and hr and do it everyday and make sure you eliminate all white flours so
you can shock your body, u need to do something your body is not used to
and you will start looing weight! Best of luck to you!!
— barry l.
February 16, 2010
The best thing that I can recommend is to get back to basics... Keep a
food journal that documents absolutly everything you eat or drink even if
it is a breath mint. Write down everything and next to eat write the fat
and calories. Make sure that you are getting enough protein and drinking
calorie free liquids. Many people take in to many calories in what they
are drinking and don't realize it. Start back on liquids only with protien
drinks for two weeks and work back up from there... If that doesn't work
the only thing you can do is talk to your Dr and Nut.
— phyllismmay
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