2nd week post op

sometimes after having my soups I have a pit in my stomach feeling., What is this    — karenkaren18 (posted on October 6, 2009)

October 6, 2009
I think if you have had an RNY this may just be still some tenderness in your stomach incesions that are still healing and get more of a workout when you are digesting food. I remember a similar feeling after my surgery but it passed after a couple of weeks.
   — rkurquhart

October 7, 2009
ONLY THE BROTH RIGHT? NO LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS TOGETHER. It gets better, but if you have doubts call your dr's office. Congrats and God Bless! hugs,kim
   — gpcmist

October 7, 2009
You could be eating too much, or eating too fast or the soup may be either too cold or too hot for your pouch. Baby it right now and pay attention to the feeling of satisfied, not full. If you are "full" you won't feel good. Just sip, sip, sip, and take it slow. Listen to what it is telling you. You should be only able to take in about a couple of tablespoons right now and feel satisfied. But you do this all day to get in your liquids.
   — Kristy

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