Psychiatric counseling for depression prior to surgery?

I am close to scheduling my surgery date for Lap Band. I went to the pre-requisite psychiatric evaluation and then took the test (i am assuming it was a personality test). It was about 150 questions that you answered true or false to. It was really no biggie. Well that was 2 weeks ago and yesterday the nurse calls me and says that it is being recommended that I receive counseling for depression prior to scheduling my surgery. This really has been frustrating for me. I dont consider myself clinically depressed to the point i need counseling and nothing of the sort was mentioned when I was at my evaluation. Part of me just wants to call whole thing off. Has this happened to anyone else? Suggestions?    — kentuckygirl_36 (posted on March 28, 2009)

March 28, 2009
Whatever you do, don't call it off. Your Dr. may be able to refer you to a different psych. It was only a recommendation, and who knows it may just be a couple visits and you will be cleared. Don't let these little obstacles get in your way from accomplishing your DREAM!!
   — Stop Sharing_1976

March 28, 2009
I had a very similar experience... I only met the the psychiatrist for 10 minutes and he decided that I was depressed... well isn't that why I am antidepressents??? Anyway, when he told me that he was holding his approval for 3 months I was so disappointed and frustrated... I had finished everything else.. At my next appointment at my suregeons office I had told them what happend (the shrink didn't even sent over any report) especially how he spent less then 10 minutes with me... the doctor said that she didn't she that I was soo depressed, and if my primary (who prescribed the antidepessants.. and told me not to worry about the psych exam b/c we both new I would pass with flying colors) said that I was fine that in the 3 months if the shrink still wouldn't agree then we would have to have my primary write a letter to the insurance co.... hello the dr that has been treating me for the past 15 years knows me more then someone who just met me and spent less then 10 minutes with me... Don't give up... believe me I wanted to... but I will not let that "doctor" take this from me.. I have done a lot of research on who I wanted for the surgery and I finally found the right dr and felt prepared to accept the life changes that come with the surgery..
   — wendy-s

March 28, 2009
Was the psychiatric counselor someone to whom you were referred by your primary doctor or the surgeon? If the answer is "yes", then you might want to consider taking his or her advice. The test you took is standard to determine your state of mind, and what they're trying to find out is whether your expectation of the outcome is realistic or not. You may think the surgery will solve all of your problems; it won't. You'll still have the same emotional problems. The surgery and aftermath will be traumatic, and your success will depend on how well equipped you are emotionally to handle such a drastic change in your life. Please don't take offense at what I'm saying. I support you in your desire to change your life for the better. But if a professional is asking you to wait, or get some counseling first, please just consider their advice.
   — agwc

March 28, 2009
I would do the counseling. WLS and the lifestyle change that follows it is a big deal. It's a major life changing event. Depressed or not, the more support you have the better. In your question, you say "I don't consider myself clinically depressed to the point I need counseling..." Think of counseling as preventative medicine. Deal with the minor depression now before it gets to the point where you are clinically depressed. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

March 29, 2009
Holly, I know what you mean by being so frustrated. I have not experience this feeling with the Psych as I am scheduled for the eval this week...but I feel your form of frustration to the fact of calling it off dealing with request for my five year medical history and past doc office giving me the run around. However, hang in there as I plan to do because there is a bigger picture we are facing upon completion. These request will be a thing of the past and a part of memories. No pain, no gain...not sure how true that saying is but it fits OUR situation currently. I'm not sure if you can ask what specifically brought the additional counseling on. I will go and do the eval as requested but be mindful of how you answer questions:) Good luck!!!
   — crystal220

March 30, 2009
Why are you resisting the counseling? I went in on my own before surgery to help resolve some of my issues with food. It made it easier afterwards. This is a major life change and counsleing will not hurt you. Give it a try. Many people struggle with the emotional change after surgery. It is good to be in a good place when you start
   — trible

March 30, 2009
So many people go into WLS full force with the idea that being thinner will make them happier. The problem is that your head does not get operated on and while the WLS itself will make weight loss very easy, keeping it off becomes a struggle for those who have unresolved issues. The mind is powerful and if you have stress and problems in your life, that may be contributing to your weight, those problems will still be there after surgery. If you do not learn to deal with old, new and daily stress, and the resulting eating disorders that made you MO in the first place, will most likely aid in weight gain later...KNOWING that you have an eating disorder is crucial. Many times gaining weight has NOTHING to do with diet and exercise but with stress and your intimate relationship with food...That relationship must end as a love affair, best friend, security blanket and feel good drug... Learning how to deal with stress rather than comfort eat is the key to your success in the long run. You might not think you are depressed or in need of therapy...but the answers to your questions are proof to a professional that you might need a little extra help besides the surgery...I've been thru some 10 years of clinical therapy and 10-15 years of my own deeply profound soul searching and how I handle stress now as opposed to before, made all the difference in my success. I truly believe that therapy is one of the key ingredients to long term success because even after I became thinner and healthier and I thought that I had come such a long way from therapy...I didn't even have a clue how much MORE room for improvement there was still! It will not hurt you to be in therapy for a short time...I don't know why people feel so insulted at the thought that they might-could use some help...but my advice is to take that help so you can become a complete success long term...Just my opinion! BTW, I am 5 years PO and while I have done well...I still struggle with an eating disorder daily! DAILY! I know I can out eat my WLS if I allow the stresses in my life to lead me back to comfort eating...Old habits die learn to deal with them the best you can! Don't call off the whole thing...Heal your head and heart before surgery and wrap your entire life around that second chance at happiness, health and being thin...(Those 3 things start in your head and while surgery might get you there...mental health is the glue that will hold it all together!!)
   — .Anita R.

March 30, 2009
Yes, it happened to me. After discussing it with my Dr,he decided to go ahead and do the surgery, but suggersted I may want to follow up with some couseling in order to get the best results. Well, that was a year ago, and today, with NO couseling, I have met my goal and surpassed it, losing almost 125lbs with the sleeve. Some people DO need it, no doubt, but you know yourself better than any test does. Talk to your Dr.
   — corky1057

March 30, 2009
This just happened to me this morning. I went for the eval. last week. The woman spent less than 5 min with me and then sent me to this area with dividers between the desks for all of these packets to fill out.(Like you would want to copy someone and I was the only person back there. I didnt get true or false. They had scales of answers.Like one through 5."They also had pages of numbers and sequencing and I transpose #s alot but noone bothered to ask that!! It took almost 3 hrs to fill it all out. This morning I started trying to find out why I hadnt heard if I passed or not. Talked to so many people before finally getting someone on the phone to talk to. She said I passed but there are reservations about my depression. Do they all think that we are fat and JOLLY? Give me a break. Im on sooo many meds for the depression to keep it at bay. Now I have to attend All of the support groups at Vanderbilt. I called my own Psychologist and was going to go see him but his receptionist said he wont see me or talk to me if Im having weight loss surgery. So, Of course I get off the phone and started crying but then I stopped. I can go through anything they can throw at me to get this surgery to save my life. Im not going to let some stranger dictate what will happen to my life. We have to stick together!! Suzette
   — suzette N.

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