when is your first bowel movement?

i am 1 week out of surgery for the lap rny and have not had a bowel movement. i dont really feel the need but just wondering when to expect it. other then that i feel GREAT the best choice i have made for ME!!    — esty (posted on March 9, 2009)

March 9, 2009
I'd say check with your doctor today. You should be having regular BMs and a week with no BM is not normal. That's the RN side fo me talking, not the patient side. That said, I had Lap RNY on Feb 5 and had BMs every day since, even when just on fluids in the early days. You might not produce a lot of "poop" but you should still be going. Take care.
   — mountainmike

March 9, 2009
Don't get hung up on having a bowel movement. If you did a bowel prep or liquid diet pre-op, you likely went to surgery with an empty stomach and bowel. Since surgery, you've been consuming small amounts of liquids... so there isn't much in there to be passed. If you aren't uncomfortable and don't feel like you need to go, I wouldn't stress over it. I would, however, suggest calling your doc to get his perspective on things. Good luck!
   — mrsidknee

March 9, 2009
I had to have a bm before I left the hospital just to make sure everything was working. I was in two nights and 3 days. After that I did not have a bm for quite a while and I was feeling miserable. That lasted about 4 months and is pretty normal. The nurse told me to fix a smoothie with a banana which I did. I would stay away from laxatives because they can be pretty rough on your system and use a stool softener instead. Don't worry, this will pass, so to speak. Maureen
   — Muggs

March 10, 2009
Hi, I had to take Magnesium Citrate before surgery to clean out my stomach and bowels. Therefore, I did not have a bowel movement for about 10 days, my doctor said this was normal since I was on clear liquids for most of that time. Once you have your first bowel movement the doctor told me he would like me to have at least 1 every 4-5 days, if it goes longer than that he would recommend a laxative (milk of magnesia or Miralax - works better) Anyway, at this point you don't need to be worried. Give it a few days, you are putting very little into your system so you shouldn't expect much coming out. This has been the best thing I ever did for myself as well. Good luck, you will do great! Cathy
   — brindledanes

March 10, 2009
At the risk that this is TMI...they wouldn't let me leave the hospital till I passed gas. I was doing that successfully long before I left. Then, the day after I got home, had two very embarrassing incidents within half an hour of each other. Needed help to clean up both myself, the floor, the toilet, you name it. Just a hint, if you even THINK you might have to go, get to the toilet NOW!!! Also, I'm just one day past one week post op, and still on liquids, so my bowel movements are basically liquid, too. I should start on soft foods tomorrow when I see my doc to get my JP drain pulled and have my first post-op nutrition class, so I expect the consistency will change, too.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 10, 2009
I was one of the fortunate(*ahem*) ones. I had a BM like an hour after I woke up from the surgery. I spent 5 days at the hospital(the max) and I must've gone twice or three times the whole time I was there. Even without eating anything, even if I had water it would go right through me(sort of speak). I used to suffer from horrible constipation prior to the surgery since I was a child and now regularity to me means going to the bathroom two to three times everyday for the past 2 and a half years. I wonder if my stomach will ever "settle". But I do agree with the rest of the responses. If you did a cleansing prior and have had limited intake don't expect the BMs to be a lot or often until you start eating "more"...I also agree that when in doubt give the doctor a ring-a-ding! Better save than sorry.
   — missconduct

March 10, 2009
My surgeon will not let his patients leave the hospital without passing both gas and a BM ( I barely dropped a rabbit pellet, but it was enough!) to make sure the bowels were working...but it is not uncommon for an RNYer to not have a BM immediately...There is no fiber and barely anything to create any waste the first week...But if you do not have one today... Call your surgeon's office and see what he says! He'll probably prescribe you a laxative or tell you to take some Milk of Magnesia or something to get you moving...Glad you are feeling great! "Great" came later for me! LOL But I was "good enough"...
   — .Anita R.

March 10, 2009
Hi, I worried like crazy when I didnt have a bowel movement too, since I was pretty regular prior to surgery. But like others have already said, there is nothing there really to pass, and most importantly you should absolutely be passing gas at least. If you are having any type of gas pain, try sipping on decaf herbal tea. My surgeon said in the first couple of weeks after surgery make sure that you are first getting in all your fluids before worrying about getting in the 70 grams of protein, because without the fluid, nothing will pass. If you need some help one of the best things you can take that is not hard on your system is miralax. It is a little more expensive than some, but it is very gentle and does work.
   — jenniknowles

March 11, 2009
I had Lap Band 3 weeks ago and my doctor told me to take MOM every 2 days if I did not have BM. I have used it and been fine. At this time I am not taking in any fiber in the liquids, so..... no BM without help.
   — FranWorthy

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