the pouch

is it possible to shrink your pouch by cutting back on portions. I think I can hold about 1 cup volume of food, and I don't feel too full there. Can I get back to the tight feeling by cutting back?    — lesleigh07 (posted on March 1, 2009)

February 28, 2009
There is an awesome website that addresses this issue. It's called once you go there look for the link that talks about the five day pouch test. or it may say 5dpt. It is awesome and I use it anytime I need to get back on track. Check it out you will be glad you did.
   — karenyhb

February 28, 2009
YES! You can! I have done it myself! IT amazes me to no end how doing that 5 DPT can really get your tightness back...It's just a matter of going back to a mini 5 day re-start...2 days liquids, 2 days soft protein and one day solid protein...By day 5 you feel your pouch again! The first two days are the hardest because you feel hungry...but if you pick hearty soups on days one and two, at least you feel like you got a meal! I have only needed to do the 5 DPT once...but I was thinking I might try it again soon just to re-adjust things with spring around the corner! It never hurts me to lose a few winter pounds! The 5 DPT calls for cutting out most carbs and eating only protein....but I gotta have my fruits and veggies so I won't exclude them but for the first time trying the test...if you are eating any simple carbs...and feel that carb monster (gas, blaoting, hunger, cravings)Do cut the carbs for a few days just to get rid of those monster symptoms!
   — .Anita R.

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