what's the story with fat cells?

is it true that when you loose fat the fat cell just empties out. but when you gain weight the fat cells fill back up with fat. so meaning that you never get rid of those cells that hold fat? i am confused.    — chickie_mama (posted on February 23, 2009)

February 23, 2009
Absolutely true. You don't lose fat cells. They just empty out.
   — hubarlow

February 23, 2009
Dr. Mehmet Oz covered this on Oprah in the past year and had visuals to show to explain...maybe check on Bottom line (no pun intended): he also said that we clearly have fat cells for life... and if they multiply we are stuck with those for life, too... which causes dimpling in the skin of even slim people. The fat cells swell up to store fat...the more fat the more swelling... and the more multiplying of fat cells. My daughter, who has been very skinny until this year has now started to fill out and look a little rounded in the face: It has been making me think that my cooking habits still need revisions as they are affecting her weight. Now knowing what Dr. Oz explained about fat cells, I am looking at this filling out in my daughter and worrying about having caused my daughter to have an excess of plump fat cells that she is now going to be stuck with for life. I don't want her to struggle with weight problems like me and so many of the other women in my side of the family: until now she has always looked like she would take after the lean women on her dad's side of the family.
   — CinnSareLee

February 23, 2009
Unless of course you get them sucked out with Liposuction right?
   — Sinbad1969

February 23, 2009
yeah this is why dr oz said things like tummy tucks aren't such a bad thing. you get rid of that awful belly fat that indicates heart disease.
   — slimcolagirl

February 23, 2009
Yes, it is true...
   — maria09elena

February 24, 2009
True. Let's keep our fat cells thin!
   — lorannw

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