This might sound crazy but I need to gain weight !!

Ok let me tell you the problem I had Gastric Bypass June 08 2 months later got pregnant I know not good. I am very close to my dr about vitamins all this is ok. I am 6 months pregnant now and I eat every hour almost anything I want so I am getting in food but I need to know what to eat to try to gain weigjht for the baby I am scared he is going to be very small. I am almost at my goal and am not lossing anymore now which is good I am just more worried about the baby gaining weight before he is born. Please let me now that to eat. Thank you    — alicia128 (posted on February 18, 2009)

February 18, 2009
protein, protein, and more protein!!!
   — Laurietoanewbeginning

February 18, 2009
Eat right, take the supplements (make sure your OBY/GYN and NUT) know your surgery nutrition needs and that none of what U are taking is a risk to the baby. Take the pregnancy vitamins. Have the doctor watch your pregnancy closely and have a lot of ultra sounds and blood work. Good luck.
   — chell1957

February 19, 2009
Well i can give you advice on 2 levels. A i was an obese during my pregnauncy i was 252. I have also hand wls and i am an ob/gyn labor nurse. First of all if your doctor says you need to gain weight to have a healthy baby you need a new doctor infact our doctors tell our obese pt's just to maintain wt and take there vitamin. Let me put it to you this way a baby is like a parasite(ie it live and eats off its host until it out grows the capacity of the host and then exits the body). If you are thin you have no reserves of fat for the infant to draw from and it will start taking away from your muscle stores. Believe me it will take what it needs from you. Anorexic women have had babys got goodness sake. I assume that since your wls was only 2 months ago that you have plenty of fat resurves left for the baby to draw from. I was 252 lost 20 during my preg took my vitamins and had all three children when I was obese they were all fine 8lbs, 7lbs 13 oz and 7lbs 3 0zs. None with any problems. Eat like you would for your band healthy take your vitamins and sll with be well.
   — Nurse343

February 19, 2009

   — Nurse343

February 19, 2009
Congratulations on the baby even though that close to your surgery date probably put you on edge. I will keep you in my prayers. I'm not sure which forum you post to but keep us up to date. It's exciting and scary. Samantha sounds like she knows what she's talking about. As for me, I have no idea. I would be asking the same question. Thank you for posting. In the event, I should happen to get pregnant. Again congratulations. Hugs, Best Wishes.
   — Corina C

February 19, 2009
I'm a labor and delivery nurse, so I may be able to answer your question. As far as the pregnancy goes, think of it as a parasite(please don't take offense). By that I mean, the pregnancy will pull all it needs from your body first. This means you could be wasting away, but the baby will be healthy. You of course need to be taking in adequate nutrition. Your OB/GYN will be checking you at your monthly or biweekly visits and be measuring your tummy. This is another non-invasive way to see if the baby is growing as expected. I'm guessing you are at about 26-28wks gestation. During the last month, the baby will gain about 1/2 lb per week, and the average wt gain is about 25-35 lbs. So even if you are near your goal weight, after the baby is born, you stand to lose some more weight. Even more if you breastfeed. I hope this helps you out.
   — janpmck

February 20, 2009
Congrulations on your pregnancy. I read some of the comments and they sounded great, especially Janet's advice. Listen to her and talk to your doc.
   — Kathleen W.

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