Weight Gain after Pregnancy

I'm almost 4 years post op and I had a beautiful little boy in September of 07. I had a great pregnancy and after I had him, I went back to my previous weight. But unfortunately I've probably put on around 30 lbs since his birth. I am breastfeeding and I find that I am eating a lot more now. NOT bad food like fast food or anything, but just more food in general. I'm very frusturated and disgusted with myself. I went to be a "cute, trim" mommy!!! I don't know if I should stop breastfeeding and that will solve the weight gain? Any suggestions would be appreciated!!! Thanks so much!    — kcrozier (posted on February 26, 2008)

February 25, 2008
I can't really answer from the post-op perspective, but I have had four children and may have a little insight. When you are breastfeeding (which is a wonderful thing for your baby, please don't stop if you don't have to!) your body is working to ensure that you and the baby stay adequately nourished. And our bodies are geared for survival back in the days when food supplies weren't always plentiful or dependable, so women's bodies tend to store a little "back up" for emergencies. But, since you are nursing, you are turning some calories into milk, especially as your baby gets older and drinks more (until about 6-9 months, when solid foods become more important to him). So it's not unusual that you're holding a little extra weight...I always gained after pregnancy too, some from nursing and some from just the stress of being stuck at home and being tired, etc. I wouldn't worry about it too much if you aren't continuing to gain a lot. You may want to consider your stress level and mood as these can contribute to your weight post-pregnancy also. Your doctor can help out on these issues too...don't be shy...a lot of us have had some post-partum depression. It's real, it's normal, it doesn't mean you're weak, and it's treatable. Not saying that you are depressed, just bringing up the issue because some people don't really recognize it in themselves or consider the possibility, and it can cause weight gain. But this is also a great time to start working on stopping the gain or losing a little. You're probably eating healthily because you know it's for your son, and if you realize that the nursing is making you extra hungry you can get a little grip on it you can start to consiously cut back. Add in some walking or other aerobic exercise along with his increased feeding demand and you should see some weight loss. And exercise is also great for your mood and stress level, so if that's contributing to your appetite it will help that too. But don't get discouraged, your body has been through a great deal of change in a short time and you'll find some balance in your eating again as you return to "normal". Good Luck!
   — Amalia Harris

February 26, 2008
HI! I don't have anything else to offer that the last poster didn't mention....I too am a Mom of 4 and I also breastfed them. I wouldn't think that just the breastfeeding would make you gain, I always lost in the begining and then would gain a little bit further out, but I also think that has to do with what was mentioned previously. Now, I have not yet had surgery, so I am speaking from the pre-op side of things. I think that just relax and if things are going well for you and your lil guy I wouldn't mess with it. Also, get out for a walk when you can(I know today isn't going to work with all this snow we're getting :P) I have thought about mall walking when the weather is like this, but I also have the fear of too much window shopping turning into real shopping LOL Anyway, I know I haven't been much help, but if there's anything I can do for you, I am local to you and would love to "be there" for ya! Take care and congrats on your lil guy! Oh, also, maybe post this on the pregnancy after WLS board, maybe they might have some suggestions or be experiencing something similar. Suz
   — txsweits73

February 26, 2008
You are probably going to be a cute trim mommy anyway. You have to decide what will give you more joy...looking good now or waiting til baby is done nursing and ready for bottles. Summer is coming and you'll get out more and be more active. You can lose the weight when he starts walking and running you ragged! LOL Til you decide, you have to accept the weight gain and understand that it's one of the many sacrifices we make for our children. More to come! :) When you are done you know you will have to work hard to get back to where you want to. You sound like a woman who knows what she has to do to lose the weight...and you will... Enjoy motherood and use it as an excuse to be a little heavier than you want to be! Breast feeding actually burns quite a bit of calories. If you can cut just a few calories without cutting nutrition, you might be able to show a slow loss. Try not to eat empty calories and sugars/carbs. You'll get there again...Anyway...That's just one opinion... Good luck with what you decide.
   — .Anita R.

February 26, 2008
Why not try the Pregnancy After WLS forum here on OH?
   — SameButDifferent

February 26, 2008
I went on Nutrisystem while I was breastfeeding and lost a ton of weight fast. That was the easiest weight loss ever. I think nursing burns 1000 calories a day. Any programs like that and weight watchers will adjust to nursing moms.
   — Carlyn M.

February 26, 2008
Hi, I to just had a baby in August 2007, I am almost 3 years post op and also am breastfeeding! Congradulations on your beautiful baby boy! And congradulations on breastfeeding. Please don't stop breastfeeding it is the best thing for both you and your son. It's great you've made it this far alot of people give up or can't breastfeed. I personally think it is so rewarding for both the mother and baby. While I was pregnant I started at 172 and went up to 218. When I got home from the hospital I weighed 189. Once my milk came in I went up to 197 and just recently got myself down to 192. It takes time to lose the weight and I do think breastfeeding does keep some weight on us to make sure we give the baby enough nutrition(plus all that milk we are carrying around lol). Just try to cut back alittle here and there on what your eating and try getting some walking or exercising in. I did a thing last week where I drank those dessert protein shakes 4 times a day and had some healthy snacks in between and I lost 5 pounds in 4 days. Try something like that. Sooner or later you will get down to what you were. Good luck. Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

February 26, 2008
I wouldn't stop breast feeding. It is great for you and great for the baby AND you burn an extra 3000 calories a day!!!! I loved breast feeding and it was also what enabled me to lose my pregnancy weight gain. Good luck and congratulations on your baby boy! Pat
   — pjennjr

February 27, 2008
Breast feeding helps you lose weight. Also it taks a little bit to lose that weight. My baby is seven months old and I have 15 to lose from him so be patient it might work.
   — tl_morgan

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