How much can one person burp?

I forgot to add this to the last question ....I am also burping all day long, is this normal??    — kels78 (posted on January 22, 2008)

January 21, 2008
For most patients, burping is more difficult than prior to surgery. However, for most people GAS is more common. You might be happier with the burping than the gas problem encountered by numerous bypass patients.
   — Dave Chambers

January 21, 2008
I never thought of it that way. Thanks Dave!
   — kels78

January 21, 2008
Iburp less when I learned to eat slower and take sips of water. I beleive the burping is more often if you swallow more air when you eat. Funny, I never burped much before surgery, but maybe it worked it way all the way through me, because that seems to be under better control since surgery.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 22, 2008
THe dietician I had before surgery had me start drinking after I exhaled. I know it was difficult to learn, but she said that when you drink as "we" have always done then we swallow alot of air and that can lead to alot of burping and maybe some painful gas. It has worked for me so maybe you could try it. Remember it takes alot of re-training to do that is why she started me before surgery. Good Luck
   — Paula K.

January 22, 2008
This is happening to me also. I asked my doctor and the support group at my Doctor's office and they said this is normal.
   — ednamjr

January 22, 2008
I wish thats all I did was burp. I have the other problem to much stomach gas. When I used Beano it was alot better, but when I ran out I keep forgetting to buy some more, my bad! Anyhow hope yours gets better! Take Care!
   — roberta45

January 22, 2008
OMG!! My husband came out of surgery burping out of control! He hasn't stopped either. And I am talking about window shattering burps too. It is embarrassing out in public--sounds like some kind of animal noise. I am the opposite, I have never burped since surgery--I am gassy the other way though.

January 22, 2008
I was told that after surgery you can burp when you are full. I find that is what happens to me. It even happens when I drink water. Some say that they sneeze when they are full and others burp.
   — Brenda R.

January 22, 2008
I'm not sure how much one person can burp but i notice after surgery i burp freely all day long. Thanks Lynda
   — lyndayvette

January 22, 2008
I'm a bander and I burped for 5 days after surgery. even my mother could not stand. Now I only burp when I eat too much.
   — shyflygirl03

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