what about "low blood sugar"?

what is going on when you eat something sweet and your blood sugar drops down to 34? it dosen,t happen every time but more than it should. when this happens i eat a yogurt and a banana and within 30-45 mins, i,m feeling much better. also could anyone send sample menus on what to eat at almost 4 yrs post-op? i need something new.    — pmcconnell3004 (posted on May 29, 2007)

May 29, 2007
It is something you need to see your doctor about and like TODAY. That is extremely low, and anytime you get low blood sugar like that you could pass out. You should not be driving or anything like that. Your blood sugar should be between 90-110. Also do not encourage your blood sugar to drop, eat often, small meals!
   — Diane C.

May 29, 2007
You are seeing dumping the best way to avoid eating high sugar foods. Its why when we eat sweets those who dump get tired.
   — bob-haller

May 29, 2007
That is right GET TO YOUR DOC IMEADIATELY! This is very serious; and you could get hurt even walking around like this. My mom was is an auto accident due to that same thing; and she had no memory of it! You may be becoming hypoglycemic. Let us know; and take care right away.. Sincerely, Judy R P.S. my blood sugar dropped to 52 after surgery and I could not even think straight at all; plus pounding heache. This will not go away on it's own..
   — ozlady1000

May 29, 2007
I have the same problem--but before surgery my sugar levels usually stayed at 60 because I had insulin resistance. So I don't know if I agree with the 90-110 thing. It is dangerous--since I have been pregnant I have blacked out from not eating, the doctor said probably my sugar got really low then too....

May 29, 2007
I know that when I was on glipizide and my blood sugars were staying better in control (pre-surgery) I would have something sweet and that would spike my blood sugar so glipizide would work overtime. Unfortunately, when blood sugars spike, they also crash and the glipizide would take me too low. I would hit in the 30's like you. I called the doc and we worked on altering the medication.
   — Silkie

May 30, 2007
over here too.ill be 5yrs out in july and yes im hypoglycemic.i get the whole body will feel hits me all of a sudden.then i eat and feel better.
   — deb44m

May 30, 2007
Sweets cause the body to dramatically increase insiulin production. For some it continues to absorb sugar out of the blood system and store it away too long. This causes the sugar level to go too low. Normal blood sugar is 70-110 for non-diabetic. What you are describing is hypoglycemia. You need to stay away from concentrated sweets and high refined foods (white bread...) that the carbs cause you sugars to peak, then drop. You also need to see your Dr. right away.
   — Donna O.

May 30, 2007
Wow, yogurt and banana? Banana is about 18g sugar, have to see the yogurt. The hypoglycemia is very common for us at 2 ys post op. Different htan dumping, it can include dangerous lows. We don't use sugar/glucose to correct it, but rather peanut butter on crackers or white bread. Cheap carb to hit NOW, fat/protein to allow it to mellow down so it won't crash again in a few hours. There are TONS of info reported over the years on yahoo grads,, under nesidioblastosis, NIPHS and RHG or reactive hypoglycemia. While I saw a recent study blaming the patient for these episodes (eat carbs, maybe dump, maybe not, but crahs later for sure), many of us report having these with no carbs to speak of in the 12 hours before. I've had 2 serious ones at 3am. ?? The NIPHS appears to be the one that cannot be traced back to a food source. I've been living with it since about 20 months out, as have many others.
   — vitalady

May 30, 2007
How ironic!! I'm just about 2 yrs. out with the lapband. Started getting feelings of lightheadedness and shaky about 4-6 wks ago and no energy. Went to the PCP last week and am now checking blood sugar 30 min prior and two hours after each meal. Premeal blood sugar runs aroun 51-55, post meals runs around 56-60. My nutritionist says I need to eat 4 small meals a day which includes one 2 hrs prior to bedtime. She said to eat nuts and seeds and to increase fiber. I go back for a f/u next week. What other advise does anyone have? Will I have to continue to prick myself like this the rest of my life? What about those glucose tablets I've heard about? Thanks
   — Mary P.

May 30, 2007
OMG this happens to me all the time. it usually is after I eat something a little high in sugar it spikes me way up and then wammy I crash really hard, I roll sweat and get kinda goofy then I eat the same thing you do usually and then I freeze to death. Weird ain't it. About menus, shoot sometimes I can eat more than others. I do really well with mostly raw stuff that is the easiest for me. chicken is still kinda rough for me cause it is so dense or something. I do the best with sushi or fish stuff. Good luck.....are you still keeping the weight off. I am doing pretty well I fluxuate a bit but it stays within 10lbs for me. Good luck.
   — peggster

May 30, 2007
What you are experiencing is a rebound low from the amount of insulin that your pancreas is dumping into the bloodstream in response to eating something sweet... which must be really sweet ... 34 and you are still able to function. Very dangerous.. that tells me that you do this quite often, as a normal person who didn't have those severe drops would already have been passed out... As for what you should be eating 4 years out.... same thing that you should have been eating 1 year out... high protein and low glycemic index carbs that you can google to find out what they are... you are playing a dangerous game. The banana and yogurt are not going to keep your blood sugar high for very long.. what you need is some protein... meat, cheese, etc. This takes your body longer to break down, thus keeps your blood sugar at an even level for much longer. Or you can keep eating like you are and me or another ER nurse will be looking down at you while you are laying on the gurney listening to your story.. maybe if you are lucky....
   — Kari_K

June 1, 2007
anytime you sugar drops either eat a piece of fruit or eat a protein snack bar. it very good to have
   — yvettetas

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