Why do I dump 1-3 hours after eating...

I have an online friend and when she is going to vomit after eating it happens right away. Mine does not. I know when i am going to throw up, but it always takes 1-3 hours. Why is this and I always have foamies before I throw up?    — missyheffelfinger (posted on April 21, 2007)

April 21, 2007
One of two things could be causing it -- as I found out -- eating too fast and the food gets stuck will cause a person to vomit right away (this is what happened to me) --eating too fast and not chewing the food well. My nurse told me the foamies is a sign you ate too much. Stop when you feel full
   — the7thdean

April 22, 2007
It takes a considerable amount of time for the food to empty your pouch and venture into your duodenum. While the food sits in your pouch, you are still secreting saliva and swallowing air. Plus, chances are, even if you are waiting 40 minutes after eating to drink again, you are bloating the food that remains in your pouch with the liquid you are consuming. All of these issues will contribute to an intense feeling of fullness and can also lead to latent dumping (particularly if you are feeling dumping symptoms hours after eating). Try to gauge how much you are eating, as this issue could (not always) be a sign that your portions might be a little more than you can handle at this time.
   — SteveColarossi

April 23, 2007
Missy... everyone is different. The vomiting is usually caused by something that is not agreeing with you, food you have not chewed well enough (if you are having this problem - puree foods) or drinking too soon, like the previous poster said and causing the food to swell. It should be taking you at least 30 minutes to eat your meal. You should not be drinking 30 minutes prior to or after your meal. You should be stopping when you start to feel full. Your meal size at this point should be about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of food (all of it combined).. hope this helps......
   — Kari_K

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