does the cost of wls also include plastics if needed?

i am considering wls and was wondering if the cost of this surgery includes the plastic surgery after the weight loss is "completed" or it is a separte cost. Tammy L    — fedup (posted on January 28, 2007)

January 28, 2007
Not unless it is medically necessary is what my insurance comoany says, so for me to you, My answer is NO!
   — Diane C.

January 28, 2007
i've lost 170 and when i went to see one plastic surgeon she told me that I may be able to get a tummy tuck if the skin dropped down below my pubic area and i might be able to talk them into a breast left if I have documented complaints about back pain and sores and junk (tummy as well) but i would have to get a reduction as well as the left (fine with me). I also talked to another doctor that wouldn't even consider filing with insurance and he was talking about $30,000.00 for total body left and half that for brest left and tummy tuck cash aor financing. I still have a few lbs to go so just to be safe I'm telling myself no to insurance paying until I hear other wise. Good luck!!! p.s. I had lap banding if that makes any differance
   — leekenny

January 28, 2007
These are all separate surgeries with separate costs. Any surgery only covers that proceedure only. Depending on multiple factors, you may or may not need plastic surgery afterwards. Don't keep yourself from becoming healthy based on "maybe" needing plastic surgery.
   — oceanrayne

January 28, 2007
Hi Tammy, I had WLS on 11/1/05 and Tummy Tuck and Breast lift on 10/18/06.. the tummy tuck was covered due to a weight loss amount of 100+ pounds lost.. the breast lift was not, but it was alot cheaper to combine those surgeries to save on hospital/surgeon costs.. that was my xmas gift this year!! and what a gift it was!!! Good luck!!
   — April

January 29, 2007
Plastic surgery is a separate thing, and not included. It is difficult to get insurance to pay for plastic surgery, since they consider it purely cosmetic. Of course, we know that having all that hanging skin is a quality of life problem.
   — Novashannon

January 29, 2007
I wish it were! Especially since I was a self pay for my WLS! But unfortunately, no - most insurance companies will not cover the cost of reconstruction post-WLS weight loss. I do have a couple of friends who have Medicare/Medicaid, however, who have had their DS covered by them, and then later on they have covered portions of their plastic surgery. I thought that was pretty cool. Best of luck to you! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

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