Has anyone tried the chewable Citracal from Walmart?

I found these accidentally last night. The box says that it is the "RIGHT" calcium - calcium citrate plus Vitamin D and they don't cost an arm and a leg. Each piece contains 500 mg of calcium and 200 IU of Vitamin D. And doea anyone else have trouble taking all of your pills? On the weekend I get real lax about it but during the week - no problem.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on August 4, 2006)

August 4, 2006
do they contain carbonate? yes I ave trouble getting all of mine in... hate taking pills lol~ ... these sound great if they are free of Carbonate....
   — Flo

August 4, 2006
I've been taking them for about two months now. I found out about them at a support meeting. Before them I was taking liquids from GNC because I was having a hard time with pills, still do. Oh forget the weekend. I put everything I need to take that day out on the counter to try to get them all in
   — pettykash

August 4, 2006
Yes, these are great. I am almost 3mos post op and have been taking them for about 2 1/2 mos.
   — tia24tx

August 4, 2006
Yes, these are great. I am almost 3mos post op and have been taking them for about 2 1/2 mos.
   — tia24tx

August 4, 2006
I have to say I have tried them all. The best one and I will always buy it is the Oscal, lemon Chifon Flavor. NO Sugar, chews and melts in your mouth easily, tastes like candy, it is great. 500 MG Twice a day. Mike
   — MikeL

August 4, 2006
I love the Citrical chews... I take one as a midmorning "snack" and it's a real treat compared to swallowing two more calcium tablets. I do take tablets for the rest of my daily calcium, since the chews are 35 calories each. I had already been using them when they were recommended by my dietician in a support group meeting. As far as taking the pills on the weekend, yes I sometimes have a problem with that as well. My best solution is to fill out one of those pill minder things... I have one that has am/pm slots for every day of the week. I keep it near my computer and just dump it out in front of my every morning and night. Since I'm on the computer quite a bit it makes it easier to remember to take them. This may not be the best solution for someone who has small kids around, but it works pretty well for me.
   — packrat

August 5, 2006
I haven't tried them yet but since they are expensive you might go online & look for a coupon I have found several that way.
   — Cindy W.

August 5, 2006
Dr. Syn went to a conference in June on bariatrics. He came back and changed all of his patients on them. I have been taking them for almost four weeks now and have had no problems taking them...I am four weeks post op. Rawnie
   — southernnmdreamer

August 5, 2006
Are they just calcium, OR are they multi??
   — byHizgrc

August 5, 2006
They are calcium citrate and I love them. I think calcium pills are too big. Even the petites are a little big and the chews give the illusion that I am eating candy. Funny huh. I don't usually have them for all the calcium I need but I have them at least twice a day. You should buy them. I think you will love them as much as I do
   — tonifrisina

August 5, 2006
I think they're nummy, BUT as perfect as they are, with needing to take 4 per day, they're kinda spendy. Also, even tho I hate the idea of calorie counting, they are 35 cal. each, so 4 perday = 140 cal. Please be aware that OScal is OysterShell, so carbonate, not citrate.
   — vitalady

August 6, 2006
Are u talking abput the creamy bites or do they have chewable tablets/ Jusy wondering. I have trid the citrical creamy bites and they are good.
   — Just P

August 6, 2006
I had a problem at first with vitamins, they HURT my stomach and made me cramp, so I would take them every now & then and FORGET the weekends!! But over time I developed severe anemia and I was very tired & sick!! So now my husband lays them out for me morning & night and I have to take them (it is better now because he had surgery and has to take them too!!).

August 7, 2006
If you don't have a walmart in your area, I sell these in my ebay store.... I sell samples so you can try the flavors you want, before buying a whole box. Check them out. Listed under.... 24 Citrical CALCIUM CITRATE VITAMIN D creamy bites chew
   — Penny P.

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