i'm having the lap-band surgery in 3 long does it takes place the actual ope

operation and how long after will i wake up after the anesthesia?    — JULIANA NAHMIAS (posted on September 25, 2004)

September 25, 2004
HI, Congrats on your upcoming surgery.The questions you ask are hard to answer because those things are very individual.Usually it takes an hour or less to place the band but of course it depends on the skill of the surgeon and what they have to do once they get inside.Of course waking up from anesthesia depends on how your system handles it so its impossible to answer that one.Your surgeon may be able to answer your questions a little better.
   — Lisa F.

September 27, 2004
It's so individual. Mine took three hours! It was suppose to take one and a half according to the surgeon!I'm doing great now. I'm a few months post op now. It was hard to begin with, but now it's alot better. I definately took the all of the pain meds! Best wishes.
   — JKM36

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