Do skins tags lessen after surgery?

I have had some skin tags removed by a dermatologist and have had more grow since then. He said that they are more prevelant in the obese. So for the you see a difference with the weight off?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 31, 2001)

July 31, 2001
I am curious what answers you are going to get. I had my skin tags removed yesterday. I am 6.5 months post op and down 70 pounds/ Hopefully I won't get any new ones/
   — marlene R.

August 2, 2001
I also had many skin tags removed about a year ago. I noticed that many of them have disappeared since I've lost 80 lbs. I'm six months post-op. I've still got one or two under my arm, but nothing like the 20 that were removed before.
   — Kristy J.

August 2, 2001
When at the dermatologist 2 weeks ago I asked her about the skin tags and she said they were caused my heat/friction. So it would stand to reason that one would have less of them as the weight drops off! Boy, that's a big PLUS!
   — [Anonymous]

August 2, 2001
I had literally 100's per year removed when I was full size. They drove me INSANE. Since my surgery 7 yrs ago, have had 2 removed, and they were tiny ones. Without all the folds & heat, they just do not seem to thrive. Darn, huh?
   — vitalady

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