Is anyone 5 yrs post op for RNY?

I am considering the RNY and was wondering if there are any post ops out there who had the RNY performed over 5 years ago. I am curious to see how they're doing and whether they have gained weight back or not.    — Gayle M. (posted on March 19, 2001)

March 19, 2001
I'm 6.5 yrs out & my husband is 5.5. We had distal RNY and a very thorough post-op nutrition plan. My staple line disrupted last year and I had some regain then. Otherwise, I lost 150# and remain around 112#, 110# currently. My husband lost 110#, and remains around 175, or would if he'd stay away from sugar. He has recently added 15# or so, but admits he is eating sugar daily. I gained 6# when I had a brief affair with sugar, but dropped it as soon as I got clear again.
   — vitalady

November 19, 2007
I had RNY in Nov. 1997, so I am 10 yrs. post op. Was doing really well, but in the last 5 years have gained 30 lbs. It is just a tool and I can eat anything now, so that's the problem. I need to get back on track and respect the pouch! Still, 30 lbs. is not horrible. Just not where I want to be!
   — FoxyLibrarian

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