When are we allowed fills

I had my surgery on June 18th - I feel no restriction when I eat. It seems I can eat anything and not get full quickly. My surgeon said he only gives fills 6-8 weeks after surgery. This seems way to long to wait for a fill. I am losing weight very slowly? Is 6-8 weeks to long for a first fill??    — COCODLUXE (posted on July 13, 2010)

July 13, 2010
I also had my surgery June 18th! I can agree with you about no restriction.. Some days it's 2 hours after eating and my tummy is growling again! Sometimes I make myself wait until supper without a snack and I feel like Im going to starve... LOL but I know that I'm not! I have my first fill on July 22nd...which is 5 weeks out! Just hold on... it's coming! Some doctors have a different time schedule!
   — ROBIN K.

July 14, 2010
6-8 weeks is normal wait time. You need time to heal & for the casing around the band to be set. Now is the time to learn & practice your rules. Yes, weight loss right now is very slow. Good luck Donna
   — Donna O.

July 14, 2010
Your stomach was swollen for the first week or so after getting the band, so you probably felt fuller longer on less food. You do need time to heal from the surgery and learn what can happen if you eat too quickly or don't chew throughly enough. Practice those skills now so that when you do get your fills you won't be spitting up or having things get stuck. It will come, and the weight will go down..try to be patient and practice your new skills. Best wishes!
   — Bonnie H.

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