has anyone had problems with bowl movements?

i am 2 weeks post op and am hving a dificult time with bowl movements. before surg, i was regular, every day. now i am lucky to go every 3 days. i feel awful untill i am able to go and it makes me not want to eat. i am still on the full liquid diet and i can have malto meal cereal. any suggestions would be great!!    — watch_me_do_it (posted on December 28, 2009)

December 27, 2009
I am 5 weeks post-op and still having problems with constipation. Several weeks ago I finally called my doctor and asked if I could take a laxative or enema if the laxatives did not work. I bought Benefiber, but it does not work. I am still searching for an answer. Until then, I am taking Dulcolax about once a week. It is not ideal, but it gives me relief. I think until I can get enough fiber and vegetables back into my diet, this will be an issue.
   — dasie

December 28, 2009
2 Colace a day will change your life - many of hte people in our support group rely on this for assistance. It is very gentle and will definitely help - I take them with my morning multi and move on with the rest of my day. Good luck!
   — stellarsan

December 28, 2009
I'm 5 months post RNY but at the 2 week mark I had terrible constipation. My Dr. put me on Milk of Mag (MOM). every night until I had normal bowel movements. Took about 3 days. Now if I have the same issue I take good ol' MOM. Make sure you get the flavored stuff. I blamed it on all the milk I was drinking and the fact that all the intestines had been pushed, prodded and poked causing swelling. It will get better, the first month I kept telling myself "what were you thinking" this is to hard. This surgery is the best thing I ever did for myself.
   — Nurseducky

December 28, 2009
Miralax is the most popular in helping. It is the most recommended on this site.
   — Kathy Thomas

December 28, 2009
Hi... neither Colace, nor Dulcolax, nor Miralax, nor Benefiber have affected my constipation. Sometimes it is so bad that when it finally comes out it's like rocks and the pain is unbearable. That was, until my partner brought me home something called "Smooth Move" tea, by Traditional Medicinals. I have found it at Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, and in King Soopers/City Market. I'm sure that you can probably find it in any major chain store. I drink one cup of it every day now, and I have a normal bowel movement daily. When I forget, I get all bound up again. It says on the box not to use it for longer than a week, but I saw my Surgeon just last week (at my 9 month checkup) and she said that it was okay to use it as necessary to stay regular. I get the chocolate flavor, and put one teabag into a very large cup (16 oz), along with a Mint Magic teabag from Celestial Seasonings. That way, I have a chocolate mint cup of tea that is quite pleasant.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

December 28, 2009
I ended up in emergency. To get the bowels moving, I took 1 tbsp of Milk of Magnesium every hour. Now to keep them regular, I bought Lax-a-day, which was recommended by my surgeon. I take it every second day and I'm staying regular. However, keep in mind, with the little bit that you can have now, you may not go every day like before. I normally go every 2-3 days now.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 28, 2009
Bowel habits will change. Since you are eating much less you will have less to get rid of. I am 9 months post op and sometimes I still have daily bowel movements and sometimes I skip a day. You will find out what is "normal" for you but it will take a few months for things to get back to "normal."
   — rkurquhart

December 28, 2009
I have taken all of the laxatives that all the posters are talking about and still I was suffering. My NUT told me to take mineral oil and bamm, that stuff works like a miracle. Good luck
   — FSUMom

December 28, 2009
Mira-lax Worked for me,, It's been a 2 weeks and no movement since leaving the hospital,,, And finally this morning, well lets just say I feel a little better! ( The Things That Make Us Happy, HAHAHAHA!!!)
   — rutunu

December 28, 2009
thank you all for all your helpful answers! just hope i can get a handle on this b4 it gets too bad. thanks again!!
   — watch_me_do_it

December 29, 2009
I finally found something that works well. It is called Miralax (I buy the generic form Clear Lax). You put a capful in a cup or less of any liquid (I use my flavored water) and drink it down - no taste to it - not thick like Metamucil - but it really softens your stools and makes you regular!
   — Wendy M.

December 29, 2009
Wow! I guess I am lucky. I haven't had that problem at all since my surgery a year ago. in fact, I seem to go the other way. I think milk does affect me because when I stopped drinking it I didn't go as much. Now I drink a glass a day and don't have any problems. Maybe I have a touch of lactose intollerance, but if it works, I am going to keep doing it. Good luck
   — Dawn A.

December 29, 2009
Right after my surgery, Isopure gave me terrible diarrhea so I wasn't able to drink it. Now when I have a bout of constipation, I drink it and it helps to move my bowels. Another thing that I have used if I really have a problem is dulcolax(stool softener) and senokot (fiber pill). The combination seems to get things moving. I try not to use them often because I don't want my system to rely on them.
   — sandorah

December 30, 2009
benifiber helps with softening, also make sure you are getting enough water. miralax helps also
   — MarthaJ0110

January 10, 2010

   — ckjjones

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