Does anyone do any juicing?

I was wondering if anyone does any whole food juicing and if so how it works post op?    — harmonysplace (posted on November 7, 2009)

November 7, 2009
Thank you for your question. I am wanting to get as much fresh juice as I can pre-surgery. I have been wondering about the sugar content in juiced fruits and how it affects the body.
   — dasie

November 7, 2009
Be careful about drinking your calories... if you had a band, liquids go right past the stomach constriction point. Dinking your calories is the way to 'beat' your band. Instead of juice, food with bulk will help you feel full and enable you to moderate your food intake leading to weight loss.
   — RachelA

November 7, 2009
My Dr. says NO juice at all, empty calories.
   — FSUMom

November 8, 2009
Juicing is great if you are having difficulty getting your fruits and vegetables in, but for those of us who have had WLS, there is a lot of calories in that juice (especially with the fruits - I don't think the vegetables are that bad). Unfortunately, it is very easy for us to "drink" our calories and get way over our calorie limit. My doctor says no to juicing because of that.
   — Wendy M.

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