I have major gas in the very low part of my tummy but not like before. I couldn't sl

Today is my seventh day post op. Yesturday was the first day I have felt really well and it went down hill last night. I was thinking all yesturday was Tuesday and I was SO hungry I ate about 3 teaspoon of green beans (baby food)    — morganjohnsonandfamily (posted on September 22, 2009)

September 22, 2009
Watch your dairy product intake if any. Lactose issues can cause this, watch gassy veggies...
   — aream

September 22, 2009
artificial sweeteners can cause gas and the foamies also. Learn to differentiate between head hunger and real also. You may have thought you were hunger but actually you may have been having head hunger..its where you think you are hungry but it isn't coming from your stomach. It can be when you smell food that you really really want. Our mouths are the same and miss food tastes. Especially in the beginning. For me the first 11 days were the hardest. Once I het that 11th day something clicked and I realized I could do this. Best of luck to you as well! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

September 23, 2009
Stick to protein and walk if you have gas pains. It helps to move the gas.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 23, 2009
Gas-X strips that dissolve work really well for gas
   — eyeflirt4fun

September 25, 2009
Probiotics really help me! Beeno works well if you use it BEFORE you eat foods that make you gassy. But do some research first and ask your doc which is best for you. (There are SOOOOO many probiotic products on the market right now and I have NO idea which are the better ones, over priced or useless ones.) The first year I was a gas producing machine...It takes a while for your new plumbing to adjust and unfortunately, gas is a common problem after most wls...For me though, it was far worse the first two years and is very mild for me now at 6 years...Sugar, dairy and certain foods are some of the things that make it bad for I have learned to avoid those things or take a probiotic or "Beeno" before eating certain foods (mushrooms, cabbage, broccoli, beans...etc) Good luck
   — .Anita R.

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