I am scheduled for lapband and have a desk job, how long will I be off work?

   — Supersize (posted on August 13, 2009)

August 13, 2009
I was off for one week.
   — karrenn

August 13, 2009
2 weeks is enough. I had my lapband surgery in May 09 and i had 3 weeks off from my office job which turned out to be too long. By 2 weeks post op i was up and running errands, doing house work, going for long walks, riding my bike...etc. All the best with your weight loss journey.
   — cgal

August 13, 2009
You didn't say what kind of surgery you were having. I had RNY and I didn't recover as fast as I thought I would. But I did not have a desk job. My job as CNA was alot more physical. I worked 8 hours barely at 6 weeks out, and took 3 more weeks off and luckily landed a more sitting type position. It is amazing how weak you will feel on the 400-600 calories you will be consuming in the beginning. That is with RNY. However,if you are having lapband. It may be different, and you may have to rely on some banders for some answers. That being said your doctor is the best one to decide how long for you to plan to be out. Good luck!
   — lesleigh07

August 13, 2009
Sorry I can't read, you are having lapband. My bad!
   — lesleigh07

August 13, 2009
I had my RNY surgery on 3/23/09 and I was back at my desk job the following Monday (1 week). I felt great after about five days post surgery. I think it's an individual thing however. All the best to you and my hope for a speedy recovery for you!!!! Bob
   — rkurquhart

August 13, 2009
I think that all depends... did your surgeon tell you? I know mine said 'maybe' one week. I had a friend who was only off for 3 days and she is a veternarian.
   — LinnieJean

August 14, 2009
I had an RNY and had surgery on a Tuesday, I was back to work on Friday. I was very tired, but I think getting back to the "old" work routine has been therapeutic.
   — Joseph Johnson

August 14, 2009
I had requested two weeks off from my desk job...which turned out to be too long. Doctor released me to return to work within a week.
   — Carrie S.

August 14, 2009
I just had the lap band put in on Tuesday and today is Friday, I plan on going back to work on Monday and think that will be fine I actually feel pretty good. Just need to be able to get up and walk when necessary. Good Luck!
   — BDizzle

August 14, 2009
I had lapband on 8/7. I could have gone back to work the following week. However I had plrnty of time and stayed out for 3.5 weeks. The time was well needed and I went back to work 15 pound lighter and feeling great! Take as much time as you can. It is well worth it!
   — BJDove

August 14, 2009
I had the band done on Aug. 3 and Im going back to work on Monday. I wish I had taken just one more week off (because I spent the first week in so much pain). Although Im still sore I will be fine and my being a counselor doesnt really require any physical demands. Ultimately you have to listen to your body. Good luck!
   — lloyrn20

August 14, 2009
I was off one week also but I had to have oxygen so it went a little longer.
   — nomorelbs

August 15, 2009
I had a lap band on Thur and was back at work on Mon. I was fortunate and never had any pain. Began walking twice a day starting on Sat. I work 10 hour days and was a little tired. Work help me be occipied and not think about food.
   — drwmitch

August 15, 2009
Its different for everyone. I had RNY monday, out of hospital Thurs and back to work monday!!! Had director job, I could sit a lot and was allowed to go to my van (it has a bed) and take an hour break a day!
   — sallie H.

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