
VERY NERVOUS..... I finally have my date.... 7/23 just got back from my Nutrition Class and Pre-op Physical at my Surgeons Office..... as I was sitting through the class I started thinking if I can do this..... I am scared, excited, terrified, nervous, and VERY confused.... I keep going back and forth... maybe this wasn't such a good idea.. but then I think about the goal and I am sooo excited about that.... Is it normal to go back and forth like this... ever since I got my date last week I have felt this way....    — wendy-s (posted on July 10, 2009)

July 10, 2009
I think it is normal to have doubts about any surgery as well, about any "life-changing" proceedure. I can tell you (10 weeks post-op) that for me it was a great choice and I am not looking back. The results, for me, have been great and I do not think you will regret a decision to go forward
   — MyGenesis

July 10, 2009
I felt the same way! My surgery was 6/23 I think it's only normal to be nervous at least that's what the dr. and nurse practioner told me :) You will be fine!
   — andrea A.

July 10, 2009
I am scheduled for July 31, and I am nervous about the surgery, but would be nervous about any surgery. I am looking forward to lower cholesterol, no diabetes, and no painful joints. That keeps me positive about the surgery.
   — MsCindy

July 10, 2009
In my case, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I breezed through the surgery and recovered in record time. I pray you will be as lucky, too. Being nervous only proves that you have a brain. lol Something would be wrong if you were having a life-altering surgery...or any surgery for that matter...and you weren't a bit nervous. Try to relax and just be happy you are finally to this point. You won't regret your decision. I'm 7 mons out...have lost 80 pounds...and I feel SOOO much better, already. Good luck and God bless you!
   — PaulaJ

July 10, 2009
Hi before I had my surgery in Jan. 08 I was a little nervous also. I knew it was the right thing to do and wanted to be healthy. I read another ladies post that was going thru the same thing and she listed her fears on a list. My biggest fears were if something happens how would my kids deal with everything was I being selfish. Anyways I wrote these down and there were only a few "cons" and oh so many "pros". I never had second thoughts I knew it was my only way out of my hell. I was a self pay and was scared to death if something happened how we would pay for complications. Point is the list helped me so much and to know that other people felt the same way was a big comfort to me. It is normal!! We can all lose weight we've done it so many times we just always gain it back. This surgery works you will be healthy and happy and so thankful. Good luck to you!
   — ToniLee

July 11, 2009
I am 11 days post op and I was a wreck the morning of the surgery. As I laid there waiting to go into the operating room Those thoughts of yes or no keep going thru my head. As soon as I was sedated there was no going back and boy am I am I glad I did it! I am already down 7.5 lbs and I already feel great about myself. You too will get thru this with flying colors. Just keep thimking about the results, that is my vision of health and comfort.
   — Patford

July 11, 2009
I'm in the same boat that your in. I got my date about 1& 1/2 months ago. Yesterday, I went to me pre-surgery nutrition and pre-op surgery class. When I left the class, I felt exactly as you do: excited, scared, terrified, and confused. To top it off, The surgeon wants his patients to lose at least 10 lbs. So I've going to Weight Watchers since mid March. When I weighed in this morning I lose 9.8 pounds.( last week was canceled because of 4th of July) So, the loss was for 2 weeks. I've lost a total of 35.2 pounds so far. So, I'm also dealing with should I not do the surgery and stick with WW. I mean, this is the best I've ever done on any kind of diet program. I'm just really confused.
   — Kathleen W.

July 11, 2009
You would not be normal if you were not nervous. We all fear the unknown. I was exactly like you and everyone else who posted here. You read everyones stories, you see their successes and you think you are ready but when the actual date comes, you are petrified. I had my surgery on 4/21 and have lost 55lbs. Once the surgery is over, you will be sore for a few days and extremely tired for about 1 week, but oh my goodness, you will have so much more energy, no longer wheeze when walking from the handicap slot to the grocery. It is so worth it. Just know in your heart that in order to live life, you must go through this. You will be so happy in about 3 months, you will wonder why you were ever nervous.
   — Kathy Thomas

July 11, 2009
I am also very nervous about the surgery. They keep telling me that there is a 1 in 200 chances of dying and it terifies me. But I feel the the benefits of the surgery will be a huge benefit to me. I hope to get my surgery date on July 14/09.
   — Dirty

July 11, 2009
I think you are extremely normal. I would be nervous if you WEREN'T nervous. I am 8 months post and for 2 weeks before I was worried and excited and for 2 weeks after I was 'what the hell did I do'? Now I just wish I had done this 10 years ago. sheri - down 100 pounds and thrilled with my RNY
   — sheri139

July 12, 2009
I had my surgery June 29th.. I was nervous, and excited. I did have thoughts of what am I getting myself into. I went back and forth, and then surgery day came. I'm glad I did it, and I feel great. The surgery was a peace of cake. I was up 6 hours after surgery walking I went home the day after surgery. You will be fine it's normal to feel this way. I felt the same way when I had my gallbladder removed. I think all of us have those moments of questioning what we are about to do. Just relax and know your doing the right thing for you. Theresa L
   — theresa.lampkin

July 12, 2009
   — Proverbs31

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