Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Post op?? Anyone have AutoImmune Probs their bypass??

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) one year to the day of my gastric bypass. I had symptoms starting just a few months post op. Is anyone going through something similar?? I noticed their is no MS Forum on here, many other auto immune diseases but not MS...Thanks    — Audiebug09 (posted on May 28, 2009)

May 29, 2009
I have Ankylosing Spondylitis which is an Auto immune Disorder also. I wasdiagnosed about a year before I had my surgery. I wanted to do Lapband but was disqualified because of the Spondylitis. I have not had any condition worsen. I think the joint pain is much improved probably because of the 116 Lbs I have lost so far, I could see an improvement after about the first 50 Lbs. I did miss the CELEBREX though!! I was able to start taking another pill that I had to discontinue previously because of the fatty liver(it is also improved). It's all good!! I will have to look at the forums, I didn't realize there were any for things like Autoimmune disorders. I know that my current Rheumatologist and several others I have seen in the last 6 years have said that MS can be hard to diagnose, it is possible that you could have had it or the symptoms all along and it just took a while to disagnose it. If your experiences were any thing like mine,I suffered for years and it seemed like Dr's thought I was making this stuff up. I was in pain and I was told I am to young to have these issues(it started in my 20's) until finally in 2006 I found a Rheumatologist who started checking out things when I was in Fl then I had to move to Ms about 6 months after and I was very fortunate to have found a Rheumatologist who continued to do complete workups and finally diagnosed me. I have taken Enbrel injections for about 1 1/2 years now and it has made a difference. The pain is never going to go away completely but I can live with it. Prior to my GBS I was walking with a cane. I wish you the best!!!
   — im3d2

May 29, 2009
Hi I was wondering wht symptoms you have that you thought you had MS? I was told that they found a positive A and A in my blood test with my last pregnancy and now with this one to. I am 4 years post op. I don't know for sure if I have an auto immune disease for sure they just said I could have like ITP or something. I never saw a doctor for it besides my OBGYN because I don't have any symptoms of anything that I know of. You take care.
   — jjeanniespets1

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