can someone with a left bundle branch blockage have lap band surgery?

I am age 51 and weight 350. I am so afraid that I will be turned down.    — Grandma_of_2 (posted on February 27, 2009)

February 27, 2009
you will probably be required to get cardiac clearance from a cardiologist.if you havn't had recent testing,they will probably want a stress test,etc.but if he finds you fit,most bariatric surgeons i believe will do it,since losing the weight will help your health.what you need to do is research bariatric doctors in your area and make appointment to talk with them,on that appointment,based on your health issues,they will tell you what you need to be cleared for surgery.i hope this helps and good luck.sincerely,joann

February 27, 2009
I'm pretty sure I have that (I'd have to go upstairs and check my records), but I've also had a stress test and an echo-cardiogram, and I have been cleared for RNY.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

February 27, 2009
Don't be afraid. Of course it depends on the doctors and the insurance, but sometimes the excess weight is far more dangerous than the medical condition. I was 58, weighed 332 (only 5'2"), had sleep apnea, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, trouble breathing, I felt my back would break if I walked from my house to the car and I had a host of other ailments facing me such as Diabetes. But, my heart was strong and my primary care physcian (who was not a proponent of Gashtric Bypass) wrote a letter to the insurance just putting all the facts on the table. I was approved by Aetna HMO within 3 months. I didn't even have to meet the exercise requirement. I guess my insurance decided if I didn't shed the weight, I would either die soon or deal with hugh medical problems & costs that would far exceed the cost of surgery. Well, I have lost 100 pounds and every single problem I started with is gone - 100%. I still have a lot to lose and I lose very slowly so it will still take a while, but I feel great and am far more active since I can move and breathe at the same time without my back killing me. The back pain is gone also! I will pray for you and offer one piece of advice. Get a dynamic letter from your doctor. Too many of them are generic and full of well known facts. It needs to be personal and specifically about you! My doctor lectured me about how dangerous my weight was EVERY time I saw him for a period of four years. I asked him to put in the letter all those things he told me would happen if I didn't lose the weight and that is exactly what he did. I have no doubt, the letter was the key to the fast approval. Good Luck!
   — BonnieP

February 28, 2009
I am 56 and weigh 460lbs. Co-morbidities include high blood pressure and sleep apnea. My insurance will not pay for WLS, even though my husband's employer and doctor both fought for me. The answer I finally got was "no way in hell". So, I shopped around and found a wonderful, highly qualified doctor who will do it for me and I am going to have the VSG in 2 weeks on a cash basis. (One doc wouldn't do it unless I got below 400 lbs.) I closed out my quickly dwindling retirement account to do this. What good is a retirement account if you aren't going to be around? If you go the cash route, check the cost of the hospital...I had a choice of two and one was double the price of the other!
   — jtoothman

March 1, 2009
I don't think that this, in and of itself, would exclude you from the surgery. You will have to get clearance specifically from a cardiologist, whether it is yours or the one working with the doctor. They may want to do a cardiac cath to see if there are any more blockages in your heart. I am guessing that the LBBB was the result of a prior heart attack. Go to your doctor, express your concerns... ultimately they want you to succeed and be the healthiest you that you can be... good luck to you. Kari
   — Kari_K

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