I'm having my surgery 3/30/09, is it normal to have thoughts of doom?

   — regina6913 (posted on February 20, 2009)

February 20, 2009
DOOM? Its normal to have thoughts of failure or not losing as much weight as one thought one would. Doom is just a strong word so I would think you are really afraid this won't work. Keep researching and ask your doc and other professionals your questions. Most insurance companies have you go through a psych profile so I would think you did. Going through that and getting the "green Light" is proof you can do this. I think you will be fine; its normal to be afraid of the unknown. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 20, 2009
Sweetie, You are beautiful! You have the support and love of your gorgeous family as well! Don't feel doomed. You are about to start a journey to wellness. You are making the quality of your life far better than the time you have being miserably unhealthy in a MO body. You can do this and succeed! Most of us do! It is scary and drastic...and I felt more doomed knowing that I didn't have a better chance being MO...The surgery gave me back my life! I never imagined I would feel as good at 44 as I did at 21. I look better at 44 than I did at 34...I am healthier and happier...It's as far from DOOM as DOOM gets! LOL In my dreams at night, I was never fat...and I would wake up in that fat body and feel so trapped. I am finally the woman I am inside as well as outside...and you can be too! Don't feel doomed...Get excited! You have so much to be happy about...Just look at all those young people in your family! You're gonna have little ones that you can actually chase around and play with and love on with more energy and zest than you can now! Push those bad thoughts away! You are going to LOVE the new you! Big hugs!
   — .Anita R.

February 20, 2009
Oh absolutely, lol. It's perfectly normal to second guess yourself and worry about the worst happening. Try talking with your doctor about it. Sometimes getting some information on how things happen during the surgery can help. You're gonna do great!!
   — Shirley D.

February 20, 2009
Hi I just wanted to tell u I will keep u in my prayers, I had RNY Bypass July 08 I have lost 125 pound went from 368 to 243 and I feel great, it took me 2 years for this surgery u can read my blog to see why, I never gave it a second thaught I was ready for my new life I was so ready to live, You will be just fine dear so many emotions right now honestly I turned it over to the doctors who know what they are doing and to the hands of God just sit back and enjoy the ride to your new Journey, Life is grand I am living I knew if I did not have this surgery I did not want to continue being a fat depressed lonely person, I am married but I was still lonely I found the courage and the strength to have positive thoughts, be strong it is so worth it.
   — Tammi Sandoval

February 20, 2009
I went in to my RNY at very high weight (451) and certainly had lots of worried thoughts in the years, months and weeks ahead of surgery. My sister was great though, always saying "we don't put that energy out there in the universe, just don't put it out there. The surgery is going to go great and you are starting a new life - THAT is the energy we put out into the universe." We are big believers in that sort of energy in our family - and she was right. My surgery was a little more complicated than usual, but I came thru with flying colours, walking to the washroom within the first hour back in my hospital room, and taking pain meds for just 24 hours then nothing. Let me encourage you to imagine only the positive and most exciting parts of the journey and "put that out there" in the universe - you'll be great! :-)) Cheers to ya.
   — mountainmike

February 21, 2009
I had my lap/RNY on 2/3/09 and I got cold feet a week before the surgery. I also felt gloom and doom. I have 5 children and I couldn't help thinking that something was going to go wrong. I even wrote a goodbye note/will justin case. I'm glad I did that because it put me a little more at ease if something were to go wrong. It's perfectly normal to feel anxious and worried. After all it is major surgery. Just be sure to follow your doctor's directions and move around as much as you can after your surgery. That'll speed your recovery and prevent blood clots. That was my major worry. Anyways, here I am 2 weeks out and I lost 22 lbs. I'm already feeling energized. It also helps to psych yourself up by using visualization techniques. Picture yourself in a hot new outfit. It worked for me!
   — 5kids

February 21, 2009
Yep, I would say it's very normal. I had lapband surgery in January, and the day before surgery, I was an emotional mess. I was so afraid something would go wrong or I would never walk back in my house again. We have two little boys, and I kept thinking about leaving them without a mother, my husband on his own, etc., etc. I felt selfish for having the surgery, and I was ashamed I hadn't taken care of my weight problem a long time ago so I wouldn't be having surgery, thus putting my family at risk of being without a wife/mother. A little overboard, yes, but I was scared. The other part of me was super excited, though, and I just kept trying to remind myself of all the pros of going through with the surgery. I had read in a book "You can do anything afraid that you can do unafraid," and I just kept going through the motions of packing for the hospital, going to the hospital, checking in, putting on the gown, etc., and then before I knew it, that same day I was headed home again. Among the other things other people suggested, I would add to go ahead and really let it all out. I cried with my husband, and we both talked about our fears and also the benefits of surgery. Saying out loud to my husband what I was most scared of made me feel better. It made both of us feel better, actually, because he had the same fears. I went ahead and cried at the hospital, told the nurses how afraid I was, cried in the holding area in the operating room, etc. Have someone with you to just hold your hand. Good luck to you!
   — wenniewo

February 24, 2009
yes...i had my surgery 10/7/08 and right up to the day before i was's normal, you're'll be fine...and i would not change a thing i have lost 79 lbs in a little over 4 is so worth it!
   — missbarbie71

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