Weight Loss Statistic

50 yr. old female, 5'3, weight 220lbs. size 16. please tell me if you fall in this category & had the RNY & your success afterwards, that is, age, height, weight size & how long did it take to get there & how long have you kept it off.    — Ruth M. (posted on January 30, 2009)

January 30, 2009
Long term success has nothing to do with age, height and staring weight to be quite honest...I know you are looking for people to compare yourself to...We all have our own vehicle that gets the exact same make over (regardless of what we started with) and how we take care of that vehicle determines how long it lasts and how efficient it runs...If you don't put the right fuel in and get yearly tune ups and oil change, and you drive the thing like a maniac...It won't matter what your started with...It's really up to you whether you succeed...But it doesn't hurt to see if people with similar stats are doing well...But just so you aren't thinking that age or weight has anything to do with success! Well good luck and I hope you do have awesome results!
   — .Anita R.

January 31, 2009
Bravo, Anita! That really says it. Every person is so unique, and gets to make choices DAILY that add up to their results no matter what result they're after! Jeff Olson's book, 'The Slight Edge', really states that well. As I understand it, these surgeries are not, by any means, a "quick fix". I have one highly successful post-op friend, and one who just can't lose the final 50 or so pounds after several years. I also have lots of non-op friends who've kept 100+ pounds off for 3 - 6 years so far. It's very personal, and individual. It requires a thoughtful decision. Am I going to work with my method of choice to get healthy, or am I not.
   — Ruth Shapovalov

January 31, 2009
No two people are alike in their weight loss no matter what age they are. That is what is so unique about wls-you work the tool that has been given to you to the best of your ability and it is your's and not everyones. I was 53 when I had my open rny and have lost about 117 pounds. I am the happiest that I have ever been and wouldn't change anything about my journey. I told the wls doctor that if I never lost another pound I am happy right where I am now (I still would like to lose another 20 pounds)because I would have never gotten to this point if it wasn't for the surgery. I also belong to the Over Fifties Forum (we call is OFF) on OH and it is a wonderful place to be. There is so much help and understanding and knowledge. Give us a try and see if you will like it as much as the rest of us do. It is different having the surgery in your 50's. Our bodies are different than that of someone who is 20 or 30 years younger. You are more than welcome to come visit OFF and see if it is something that you might enjoy.
   — Brenda R.

January 31, 2009
Please remember that no to people will have the same experience. I am 57 years old, 5'1" and weighted 200 lbs when I started my WLS journey. I had Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and needed a machine at night for sleep apnea. I was taking 4 insulin shots a day as well as pills. I had my surgery on 10/07/08 and the total of presurgery loss (15 lbs) and post loss is 51 lbs. I am off all diabees and high blood pressuer meds and no longer need my machine at night. I have been so lucky, but remind myself several time a day that WLS is a TOOL and the responsibility for success is mine and mine alone. Good luck with yur surgery, I know you will do well. For me the decision to do this has truly been a life saver.
   — psrd370

January 31, 2009
None except for one answered my question. I am educated and know that all varies, etc. and I am determined to change my life. All I wanted was an idea & someone finally answered my question.
   — Ruth M.

January 31, 2009
Hi, I had rny in dec06 at 233 pounds and size 18 or 20. I am now at 148-150 and loving it! I am 5'2 and got down to 133. My average weight after surgery stablized at 138 so I am now struggling with a 10 pound gain in the last 6 mos or so. I also had a tummy tuck in sept07 . My goal is 130 and I am always working on getting back to the 130 range and won't give up. I am still wearing a size 4 even with the gain so I feel good. Angela
   — A Q.

February 1, 2009
Hi! I am 53, and had surgery 14 months ago when I was 52. I am 5'3" and weighed 276. I am now at 156 and loving it! After 1 month I had lost 30 pounds. After 3 months I had lost 50 pounds. I plateaued after my 3rd month and freaked out - then found out it was normal to plateau as your body will slow down - thinking you are starving because you have lost so much weight. My advice for plateaus: eat more, add one small meal of protein, drink more water, no carbs after lunch, add more fish, even canned tuna with mayo, and change your workout a bit. Then, throw away your scale and go by how you clothes fit.I have a pattern on 4-6 weeks of plateau, 2-3 weeks of weight loss. Also, take lots of fiber after your 3rd-4th month as your metabolism slows down and you will get constipated. I use benefiber and them Miralax for a week around my PMS time. But most important is you will lose, just learn from errors and keep exercising. I also bring a 3 oz plastic cup to measure when I go out so I don't overeat. Good luck! You will be amazed. Vickie E.
   — vippie

February 2, 2009
Hello, I am 48 now had lap rny 10/16/06 weighed 309 at time of surgery. I stand 5 foot 2 3/4 inches tall. I have lost a total of 142 pounds and have kept it off for over a year and a half now. Took about a year to loose it. I am currently in a size 14. Not one single complication. Hope I've answered your question. Have a good day!
   — Jean N.

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