26 days until lapro RNY, very nervous

Well my surgery is set for 2/25. I am very nervous. All of you have been wonderful. Your experiences have helped thru this so far. I am older (67) and also handicapped, but anxious to see if surgery will not only help me lose weight, but also get me out of wheelchair and possibly walking more. I just am hopeful that I can talk dr. into no nasal-gastro tube when I wake up. That really is my biggest fear.    — troggdog73 (posted on January 30, 2009)

January 30, 2009
I had the lap-band surgery 2 weeks ago and had the same fears as you. I thought I would choke on the tube, but it was already taken out when I woke up. Don't worry about anything, you will feel wonderful after!
   — dwein61

January 30, 2009
Greetings, I'm 71 1/2 and had RNY 4 years ago. Fear just causes a person to get all tight inside and hampers their well-being. Take a deep breath and breathe in slowly, knowing you are pulling into your body good things. Then, expell the breath through your mouth, knowing you are releasing bad things from your body. Breathe deeply. Re the nasal-gastro tube? I've had that many times. I've never felt it. Think good thoughts, tell yourself you are a wonderful and vibrant woman, which you are. Believe in yourself. You will do just fine. Congratulations on your decision to have a better life. As the Revelon (it is Revelon isn't it) commercials say, "You're worth it!" Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, OHC, OHL
   — Christine Gibson

January 30, 2009
Sally, Relax. As the other poster said, hers was out when she woke up. And you won't choke on it. If it does have to stay in for a time; usually at most 3 days. I think its wonderful that you decided to change your life. You will be in my prayers. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 31, 2009
Hi Sally, I was 61 when I had RNY surgery one year ago. I now have normal BMI, no diabetes, feel great and enjoy shopping (I had nothing to wear as I was a size 2X) for size 4-6 clothing. Amazing, I am down to 133 pounds! You are embarking upon the most postive thing you have ever done for yourself. I was unable to walk very far and depended on mobility scooters and my car to go anywhere. I am not able to exercise much but the weight came off and now I never ever ride the mobility scooters and enjoy short casual walking, not brisk but I'm am so thankful to be healthy again. You are on a path to good health and as the poster said before me "Take deep breaths and exhale slowly" you are on the road to good health. May God bless and keep you.
   — elizabethannemarch

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