I have a friend that recently had Lap RNY 3 weeks ago. He has severe pain upon eating
His diet has gone to stage 2, he has severe pain upon eating that doesn't go away until he forces himself to vomit. He is also experiences alot of nausea. I had my surgery 5 years ago and never had any of this so I am looking for advice from all, can you please help me to help him? Thanks — vanessabee (posted on December 31, 2008)
December 31, 2008
First off, He should probably call his Doctor. In the meantime my advice
would be to go back to the liquid phase. Make sure he isn't eating to
fast, or too much. I hope he finds answers soon.
— VickiLyn
December 31, 2008
Tell your friend that he is probably taking too big a bites...not chewing
his food to mush......
Take bites no bigger than a pea
Chew each bite until it is mush
Put your fork down between bites
Make sure the meats you eat are very moist and tender
Avoid eating steak at first as it is dense
If he gets stuck ( that what causes the hurting ) Sip ( don't drink ) room
temperature pineapple juice until you get it to go down or come up.
If he continues to make himself throw up he can cause his band to
slip.......sounds like he is having trouble taking those small
bites....tell him to get a small set of silverware that will help
alot......he needs to slow down and follow the rules and this should stop
happening to him.
there is a group on Yahoo call Bandbuddies try going to them as there is a
lady on that group that sells small sets of silverware to Banded
people.....good luck
Never drink with your meals
December 31, 2008
I had this same problem and I went back to my doctor and he found out that
my opening was closing with scar tissue, so they went in an opened it back
up. It only take about one hour from the time they put you to sleep and
your wide awake again and it don't hurt a bit. They say you might need it
done up to 3 time befor it takes but mine worked on the first time. GO see
you baratic doctor right away. GOD BLESS and good luck.
— LBowker
January 1, 2009
Sounds like a stricture might be forming...but only a doctor will be able
to help him if it is...Otherwise he is eating too much...too fast and not
chewing or pureeing his food. If he does not have a stricture and
continues to eat this way, he will probably stretch or tear his stoma...and
if he is over eating constantly could be stretching or tearing his pouch
too...He either needs to slow down and not try to eat normally...but very
much like a baby, just a tiny taste at a time and go see his doc to be
certain something else is not causing this trouble. Papaya enzymes
(chewable tablets) help break down food fast when this happens on
occassion...but his problem is more than just an occassion...Either
way...all that pain is not normal and he could hinder healing properly and
get unhealthy very quickly with inadequate nutrition...
— .Anita R.
January 1, 2009
Vanessa, please tell your friend, that he is still very early out, and
everyone is different I know this however, I would strongly suggest he
stick to his liquads much longer and do protein shakes and jello, pudding,
soups and whatever else is in that catagory, and let that pouch heal. His
may not be ready at all for foods and to me it is way to early for that for
him. Tell him I know thisis what my doctor would definately say to do and
yet I say he should stilla sk his siurgeon so he hears it from hsi own.
And to not worry about eating foods he will be better off without them for
now and lose more anyway...this is the period of tiem he wants to enjoy not
eating food and enjoy the major weight loss. When he does eat, his pouch
may be a snug one and he may have ot take very small portions like a
spoonfull here and one more an hour later and eventually life will resume
to normal in the eating department for him and he willw ish he was right
back here like my daughter and i do right now. Good luck to him and Happy
New Year
— WannaBThin4OnceInMyLife
January 1, 2009
Get him to his doc ASAP. Go back to the liquid diet for now and find out
what is causing this pain. Any emotional issues bothering him, perhaps?
Good Luck, God Bless and Happy New Year,
vinnigirl, retired RN
— vinnigirl
January 1, 2009
I experienced the exact same thing and was hospitalized for 10 days and my
surgeon had no explaination for it. I still vomit or make myself vomit at
least 6 times a week and I am 4 months out. I chew very carefully and it
can happen with a food I have succesfully eaten before. My doctor is no
help at all. I don't have any advise just wanted you to know your friend is
not alone. Good luck and god bless.
— hannahsmom1014
January 1, 2009
Happy New Year everyone! My advice? Slow down, chew, chew, chew, chew,
and chew your food until each little bite you take is completely liquid.
Then, swallow it. By all means, contact your doctor and let him/her know
what is going on: this is not normal. Also, why would he consider eating
food if it hurts and he has to vomit? Same advise for the lady who vomits
6 times a week. Vomiting causes acids to form in the mouth, which wears
away the enamel to a person's teeth! Wear away the enamel, and teeth fall
out: vomiting is a quick and easy way to end up with false teeth!
Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, OH Coach and WLS Support Group Leader
— Christine Gibson
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