Can't seem to lose any weight...

I had the RNY on 6/26 and within the 1st week lost 26 lbs. I seem to be at a stand still because I haven't lost a pound since... I'm taking my vitamins (having issues with the protein can't stand the taste) trying whey product tomorrow. Increased my exercise from 0 to 30 to 45 minutes a day and still can't seem to move the scales. I'm trying to increase my water intake however that is very difficult. I'm eating 2 oz. 3X's a day, so what is the issue??? How can I get the scale moving. Other entries say wait it will drop off, doesn't seem to be working for me. Makes me wonder if I had the surgery for nothing... :(    — * S. (posted on July 21, 2008)

July 21, 2008
i'm quite sure your body is trying to catch up. I lost 27lbs the first month - my doctor said i was right on cue. 26 lbs in one week is almost unheard of - so I think you are ok not losing any since. Arden
   — bikermama

July 21, 2008
26 pounds in one week is really good. its taken me a month 6/18 RNY to lose 24 pounds. I got really frustrated too when I stopped. Eventually it will start again, and stop again, some say for the next 12-15 months. I know it was kind of a tease but dont worry it will happen again lots of times! Increasing your water will help, you can add crystal light if you can stand the taste. I cant so I have days were I dont want to see another bottle of water ever! You are on the right track you seem to be doing everything right. I wont tell you to stay off the scale because I dont either! Just keep on going and eventually it will all come off. Good luck Im here if you need to talk
   — Kimberlin Katayama

July 21, 2008
WOW! 26 pounds in one week.. I am in shock and so is your body! Stay off the scale and concentrate on how your clothes fit, how you fit into your environment like, Oooo this chair has extra room now, etc. The scale isn't the end all and be all. I only lost 5 pounds the first three weeks but my pants and dress size had gone down and I had to move the seat forward in the van so I knew other things where going on. Keep doing what you're doing! You are a success. Your body doesn't realize this is for it's own good and wants to maintain the status quo. It's saying to itself, "If she keeps this up she's going to starve to death. I can't let that happen." On the contrary, you are acting for life. Give your body a chance to relax with that idea. You will run up against this more then once. It's called a plateau. You're doing great. Just don't give the scale all that power. Take it back. You know you're doing the right things! I'm sorry about the protein troubles. You should be off those shake real soon shouldn't you? I was off at three weeks. Laura
   — waterlover

July 21, 2008
I had my RNY on 6/24 and am down 23 pounds. Your body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to everything. Once the initional shock is over the pounds will come off. As for the protein, I use the New Whey "bullets" mixed in with my water and a chrystal light packet. That gives me 42 grams and it takes me couple of hours to get it down. That way I am getting my protein and my water. lisa....
   — Lisa B.

July 21, 2008
I understand it is frustrating when you start losing weight and then stop. It is a normal plateau. I too could not stomach the protein shakes. I would force them down and they would come right back up. But the good news is I found a couple of items at GNC that will stay down and are pretty good. The first one is the Protein Slammer. It is only 3.5 oz and has 45 grams of protein. I drink half of one each morning along with my Flintstones Chewable Multi vitamin, 5000mg of Biotin (I had started to lose my hair) and B-12 sub lingual. The next is the Isopure drinks. They look and taste like kool-aid, but they have 40 grams of protein. I put it on ice and drink it at work. Those 2 items alone give me 65 grams of protein! When you are able to eat regular foods you can a "Eat Good Look Great Pure Protein Bar. The Chewy Chocolate Chip High Protein bar is delicious and it has 20 grams of protein. Good Luck!!
   — irish4girl

July 21, 2008
This is the first time I've replied to a post; this request tugs on MY heartstrings! I, too, thought I'd be the first one the RNY would fail on--the weight loss was a weight GAIN at first. Then I'd lose like 3 or 4 in a day but then nothing for a week....When I started getting discouraged, which is where I hear you to be, I was encouraged when someone said (and I'll put your weight loss in here:) "When is the last time, Andrea, you lost 26 pounds in 3 weeks??????" So you see, it IS working--and YES, it will continue to work!!!!!! Guarenteed! It's the "miracle cure" we've all dreamed of finding!!!!! My surgery was 3/11/08 and I'm down 77 as of this am! By the way, you might want to try eating more often; protein first, but instead of 3x a day, maybe 5 or 6x. I was told every 3-4 hours and that's pretty much where I find my body "naturally" wanting to eat. Very small amounts, of curse--it's not that I'm eating MORE, just more OFTEN. I think it keeps your metabolism buring. Hang in there--it IS working and it will CONTINUE to work, Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!
   — movinmom03

July 21, 2008
This is the first time I've replied to a post; this request tugs on MY heartstrings! I, too, thought I'd be the first one the RNY would fail on--the weight loss was a weight GAIN at first. Then I'd lose like 3 or 4 in a day but then nothing for a week....When I started getting discouraged, which is where I hear you to be, I was encouraged when someone said (and I'll put your weight loss in here:) "When is the last time, Andrea, you lost 26 pounds in 3 weeks??????" So you see, it IS working--and YES, it will continue to work!!!!!! Guarenteed! It's the "miracle cure" we've all dreamed of finding!!!!! My surgery was 3/11/08 and I'm down 77 as of this am! By the way, you might want to try eating more often; protein first, but instead of 3x a day, maybe 5 or 6x. I was told every 3-4 hours and that's pretty much where I find my body "naturally" wanting to eat. Very small amounts, of curse--it's not that I'm eating MORE, just more OFTEN. I think it keeps your metabolism buring. Hang in there--it IS working and it will CONTINUE to work, Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!
   — movinmom03

July 21, 2008
This is the first time I've replied to a post; this request tugs on MY heartstrings! I, too, thought I'd be the first one the RNY would fail on--the weight loss was a weight GAIN at first. Then I'd lose like 3 or 4 in a day but then nothing for a week....When I started getting discouraged, which is where I hear you to be, I was encouraged when someone said (and I'll put your weight loss in here:) "When is the last time, Andrea, you lost 26 pounds in 3 weeks??????" So you see, it IS working--and YES, it will continue to work!!!!!! Guarenteed! It's the "miracle cure" we've all dreamed of finding!!!!! My surgery was 3/11/08 and I'm down 77 as of this am! By the way, you might want to try eating more often; protein first, but instead of 3x a day, maybe 5 or 6x. I was told every 3-4 hours and that's pretty much where I find my body "naturally" wanting to eat. Very small amounts, of curse--it's not that I'm eating MORE, just more OFTEN. I think it keeps your metabolism buring. Hang in there--it IS working and it will CONTINUE to work, Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!
   — movinmom03

July 21, 2008
(OOPS! Sorry for the 2 copies!!!!!)
   — movinmom03

July 22, 2008
I agree with most everyone else...your body's playing catch up from losing so much the first week. If you logically stop and think how little you're eating, you can't possibly NOT lose weight at this point. I also wanted to point out to you now important it is to get the protein and liquids in. I know it's not easy...but it's something you have to do. For now...look at the protein as your 'medicine' that you have to take to lose the weight. There will be times over the next 6-12 months that you're going to hate eating...and will not enjoy it...but it does get better as your body adjusts. Go to a website like or and order some of the sample packs of the various protein drinks, or for their protein drink samples (including one that's 'chicken soup' flavored) and try them til you find some that you like You may love some that I hate, I make hate some you love...I think you'll whereas before surgery you may not have had a lot of 'texture' issues with food, no you will. I have turned into an unbelievably picky eater because of texture more than anything. Kimberlin mentioned Crystal Light in your water if you can stand the taste. As you've probably discovered, right now sweet things are unbelievably you might want to put 1 1/2 to 2 times the water for the Crystal Light to dilute it to a level you like it. I personally HATE water and if I have to drink it plane it takes me forever...but if I add lemon aid to it, I'm OK. You could also just add a twist of lemon, or lemon zinger tea bag, to your water to give it a little flavor. Hang in there and don't give up. I too was afraid I'd be the first failure from the get go for WLS. I may not be a stick (which I never wanted to be) but I'm so much happier at my current 180-185 pounds than I was at 275+ pounds. I still want to have some plastic surgeries done to repair the damage of obesity...but at least I'm happy when I get dressed and look in the mirror. My next step, I think, is feeling like I belong on the 'normal' side of the clothing store and not feel like any moment now, someone's going to come tell me the 'fat people clothes are on the other side.'
   — Hollywog

July 22, 2008
Wow!!! keep up the good work you will see results.. I promise I'm 4 years out and have lost between 150 and 170 lbs depending on how I feel that week. I you.. couldnt tolerate the protein suppliments i had alot of soon as i could eat solids I lived on Gaterade..string cheese.. and beef jerky for protein. you do what you have too but dont be discouraged or down will happen for you. feel free to contact me if you want to talk..
   — ches97

July 22, 2008
First of all Congrats on the amazing weight loss in the first week. I had my surgery on 6/4and have only lost 24 lbs. That is within 6 weeks post op. I make sure I get my daily protein and attempt to get my daily fluids and make sure I make healthy food choices so that I will continue to lose weight. Not all of us lose weight at rapid speed so just keep that you will start to lose more weight again.
   — cdombi37

July 24, 2008
Try more powerful liquid vitamin/mineral like VEMMA. Go to A lot of problems come from mineral deficient diet.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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