I do not on a regular basis eat this stuff, but I have learned that sometimes a "bite" will stop a craving. At my 3 week check up I was asked if I was able to eat chicken, tuna & stuff like that. However after saying all of this, I do not think that I am actually experiencing the REAL thing right now. What I mean to say is that if I tried (I am not going to but) I could probably eat the same amount as before, it would just take me all day to do it. I was told that I need a fill, soon. I told the doc it sounded that way to me too. How long did it take for all your scabs to heal? How long do you have to continue protein shakes? Is it a good idea just to keep taking them? Last one, promise ;-) has anyone heard of "Vemma" it is a liquid vitamin drink, just 2 oz a day? — TinaHallock (posted on January 29, 2008)
January 28, 2008
now I understand why your feeling like this. First of all you dont get
dumping with the band so you have to utilize your tool a lot more. I work
with a girl who had the band and she eats all the time, candy cookies
deserts, she does say it gets stuck a lot. but she is still big. I am so
gald I had the bypass. Not to make you feel bad that was your decision. I
need the dumping to remind me I cant eat some things and I cant eat as much
as I used to. I would say you need a fill soon.
— Joanc
January 28, 2008
I had RNY surgery, so I don't know an answer to the band question. BUT,
I've used the Vemma before. I used it for several months, but found the
cost factor, $59.95 per month + S&H to be too expensive. I use another
liquid product that costs 1/3 as much, but has a lot more vitamins in it.
Check out , a site of mine that has
information and compares another liquid vitamin (not Vemma, but close in
vitamin and price points) to the one I use. I'm not saying Vemma is not
good, just that there are other liquid vitamins out there that contain more
vitamins at a lesser cost.
— Dave Chambers
January 29, 2008
— William (Bill) wmil
January 30, 2008
the eating (grazing) all day is the problem in your case. You can learn to
bypass your tool when you do that.
My dietician is very strict, she does not allow grazing and says to eat 3
meals a day and complete them within 20 minutes. After 20 minutes that's
it, you are done with the meal. If you continue eating after that time you
are "grazing" and you are bypassing your tool.
— vickinicole
February 2, 2008
I have had myu band for about 9 months & lost 55 lbs. Fills help, but
you have to listen to your body. And grazing is a no-no. Once you get
restriction that will be harder, but fighting the band can cause long term
problems. Remember to start meals with as firm a protein as you can
tolerate. Wait the time you've been told (30 min-2 hours) then drink your
water, and crink your water, and drink our water. Make sure you are taking
a good multivitamin to help with cravings.
— Donna O.
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