Did anyone get depressed after surgery?

   — loveathome3 (posted on January 13, 2008)

January 12, 2008
Ohh lord, did I ever! I felt like I lost my best friend after the surgery. I could no longer lean on what had been there for me through out my life. So at 1st it was hard. I was in pain, I didnt feel good and then I didnt have my comfort food there so I became really depressed. But as the days go and you start feeling better and your life starts going back to normal it will get a lot better for you. I wish you the best of luck. We are all here for ya :)
   — TattooGirl1982

January 12, 2008
I had lost my best friend and didn't even realize it! I had a relationship with food that I didn't realize before surgery; imagine that! I was depressed. I tried to stay busy but it didn't work. I worked out a lot; I got involved with a guy that was no good for me. I had to address all of the factors that led me to needing WLS in the first place. I am still a work in process. I am going to get into therapy this year actually. I have some issues I have to work out with professional health, childhood sexual abuse, my father has never been a part of my life so I have issues with that, etc, etc. It's not uncommon to be depressed but don't let it get the best of you! Talk with your PCP and find a therapist. There isn't anything wrong with taking medication if it's going to help you. Accupuncture also helps. There are natural things you can do. Yoga helps with stress release. Walks help me as well but from time to time I have to take medication. Don't be ashamed. Please let me know how you're doing. I'd love to talk with you anytime. God Bless. Samaria
   — Ambitious

January 12, 2008
If you did not have depression prior to surgery (and most morbidly obese people do have some depression), you'll probably end up somewhat depressed. Firstly, you've lost your best friend -FOOD. Secondly, you cannot eat the quantities of food you did prior to surgery. So depression is common to most patients. Some patients "tough it out" without medication. Others seek a doctor and put on prescribed anti-depressants. Others seek a holistic route. Others seek the aid of a phsychiatrist. There is a enhanced vitamin formala at that has a formula to naturally fight depression using a blend of naturaly ingredients. I take this vitamin and find it works very well.
   — Dave Chambers

January 12, 2008
OH, HELL YES!!!! I'm still fighting it! I was depressed to begin with and I tought the "weight loss" would be the answer.... It's not. I sought counseling and I am working through it now! I believe I am a food ADDICT. I "used" food for EVERYTHING!!! My best friend in the whole world is now gone! This might be the case for you also, so my advice is; seek out counseling or attend support groups (if available in your area). Sometimes the depression will pass, you have made some major changes in your life and with your body and you may just need the time to adjust. But I would still recommend speaking with someone, just to be successful in your weight loss journey! Good Luck!
   — Toni Todd

January 12, 2008
Some people do.....Not only have you lost your "best friend" (food) but hormones are stored in our fat cells and when you loose weight and fat, the hormones have no place to go but your system and that is is why we get depressed. My psych dr "suggested" that I start on anti-depressants a few mths before surgery so that when I did start loosing major amts of weight my poor body didn't have to deal with depression too. Good luck
   — Nee P

January 13, 2008
I was very depressed and extremely frustrated. Still quite frustrated as I am finding out foods that I can still eat and those that dont digest well anymore. I am trying to take things one day at a time.
   — ednamjr

January 13, 2008
Yes i was for a short time, It also has to do with hormones being all mixed up also. So I see its pretty common, every one is gonna be different in how long it lasts, or if they need meds to help with it. So your not alone! This is a great place for support. .....and I love you guys!!
   — Kathy-R

January 13, 2008
I am going through it reight now and honestly it sucks. I feel like everyone and everything is against me. I guess losing food to emotionally make me feel better is taking it's toll. My doctor has sugested that I go in and see her being this is a big change. I guess we need to fing other emotional outlets( maybe walking alot to relieve the stress)
   — bogacz71

January 13, 2008
I am a 62 year old male and my doctor told me that it happens some times to women, but he could not explain why I was so depressed. I when back to the Shrink and he perscribed something that helps me sleep and seems to have cleared it up somewhat. He said that I had used food as my cruch all my life and without it to turn to my body was turning against me and giving me the depression. I tried comming of the perscription, but I found within a week I was slipping back into depression, so I went back on the perscription. Talk to your doc if it is effecting your daily activities. It was enought that I was going to drive my wife nuts too.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 13, 2008
Oh golly did I ever... :( I had my surgery in Aug and I am just now feeling better. I did have SMD (severe mental depression) before hand, but after I came out of the hospital I thought that I could conquer anything.. so I stoped taking my Cymbalta (because at first I felt better) and I went on a downward spiral, I couldn't get out of it and the sadest part is, is that I had started classes last Feb and this last term I got all "F's" and I was a 4.0 student. I am now back on my meds and I start my new term this coming weekend and I feel a lot better. Not quite up to 100% but I know that I will.. :) God bless you, I'll keep you in my prayers. Paula
   — japaad

January 13, 2008
As you can tell from all of the responses, you are definately not alone. I don't think there is any way anyone or thing could have prepared me for the emotional rollercoaster I have experienced since this surgery. I have doubled my antidepressant and some days that still isn't enough. I know we all turned to food to deal but I never realized on how many levels. It is not uncommon for people to turn to other addictive things once the food is gone. I am constantly having to work on "ME". Whether it be through self talk, exercise, sharing with others, etc.............. I am not a basket case but I often feel if others knew how I felt on the is all I can do to make it to work right now and put on a happy face............on the inside I am so tore up. I know in time and focusing on me this will get better. I so wish I could crawl into a hole and not deal with the rest of the world right now.........but that is not the answer either. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad I had this surgery but the emotions are so overwhelming at times. I find reading and venting on OH is a great coping tool.
   — neisha =.

January 14, 2008
Yes I di for awhile and I am still working with it. Food was my world, it there when the world fell from under me, when I was made fun of, now I am learning to love food the health way and enjoy life once again, I think want got me no more sweets for , no dessert, but I can have them split a piece of pie or cake, just one or two bites makes me feel wonderful, and People not looking at me, as that fat women eating, I look for a postive in everything, it takes a little but you can do it. It hard here because my husband a junk person and my kids still want things, I was told about sweet and low cake mix and icing, not bad, you have a cupcake. I am always afraid I am going to fell at this to, because that what I always been told. But keep faith and a jounal to write down in, in couple months go back see how far you came. good luck carman
   — carman

January 15, 2008
Irene, I know I am late to the party, but thought I would give you my .2 cent for what it is worth. LOL. I was depressed and I hibernated after surgery. There is a difference, but are related. For about 4-5 days I didn't want to see anyone, hear from anyone, didn't want anyone in the house to talk to me, see me, etc. People were lucky to get an email from me. Hibernation. Then I got a bit depressed, slept the day away, didn't have any motivation to do things, get up, do anything, go anywhere, etc. Depression. Both bouts followed each other so for about 2 weeks I was a basket case. This happens when your fat cells are released back into your body - your fat cells hold your hormones and when the fat cells are released back into your body, as are your hormones. That is why a lot of women will start their period and why women are VERY fertile after surgery. My hormones settled back down and I got normal after about 3 weeks. Good luck, hope that helps you.
   — jammerz

January 15, 2008
well, cant get comp. to finish what i am saying :( but my answer is YES...
   — kimcrain

January 18, 2008
yes!! from the anesthesia. it went away though.
   — michelleshocked

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