Has anyone taken antibiotic prior to wls to prevent staff infection?

   — angel4 (posted on February 25, 2007)

February 25, 2007
I was given i.v. antibiotic the morning of surgery and right after surgery.
   — thegib

February 25, 2007
this is a wonderful question and i would like to know whether or not anyone has done this. if you find research let me know.. holly carson
   — RNlvnCARSON

February 26, 2007
There is a National study looking at this issue. The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) is looking at major surgeries and how to improve the outcome. Antibiotics is part of the study. From the studies they have published, a dose within 1 hour of incision will prevent most post-operative surgical infections. While the singe dose works, if a Surgeon wants to give antibiotics after surgery, they should stop within 24 hours of the surgery end to help prevent the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Vancomycin resistant staph is a BIG issue and SCIP is trying to minimize this and other types of resistant bugs. Taking antibiotics outside this window is thought to increase the chance of resistant strains developing. Hope that helps.
   — nursenut

February 26, 2007
I've not had WLS, but I have had other surgeries including one GI/abdominal procedure. I have always been given antibiotics before hand and in some cases IV antibiotics afterwards while in the hospital and pills to take when I went home. I don't think the antibiotics were specifically meant to prevent staph tho.
   — mrsidknee

February 28, 2007
I was given strong antibiotics to take the day before my surgery. It made me really sick to the stomach right up to my admission to the hospital. No infection so the upset stomach was worth it.
   — Bev36

March 2, 2007
I have recurrent staph infections in my respiratory system. Never had one caused by surgery however. I wonder if my surgeon should give me vancomyacin just in case???
   — dmyers

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