Has anyone tried OTC diet pills, post-op? 4 years out...

I'm four years out and struggling with the last of my weight. The honeymoon is definitely over. Has anyone tried weight-loss pills to give a "boost" to this process? I'm thinking anything from places like GNC, etc., such as Lean System & or anything with Hoodia? I'm not talking ephedrin here, because that doesn't agree with me. But anything else? I'm feeling a little desperate and a LOT scared!    — coldinsd (posted on December 12, 2006)

December 12, 2006
Please do your homework!! there really are NO magic pills. at least none that will pass a real properly done medical study. Eat correctly, and do your excercise... burn more calories than you eat....and you will loose - good luck
   — jbassett

December 12, 2006
I have not had surgery yet but maybe you should talk with your doctor. Ask if there is a precription weight loss pill that could help you. Take care.
   — barfiep01

December 12, 2006
Be careful on what you are putting in your body. Just because it is sold at a "health food store" doesn't mean it is healthy or will not hurt you. The supplements are not subjected to the FDA approval like medications are. Also, any of the stimulants are not good for your heart. I would go to your doctor. Also, you don't mention whether you are still eating healthy SMALL portions and if you are exercising or not... could this be the problem? There is no magic pill.... do you really think that if there was we all would have had the surgery?
   — Kari_K

December 12, 2006
I personally would NEVER take diet pills, appetite suppressants or go on restrictive diets anymore. It has done so much damage to my body, metabolism and has impacted my blood pressure, etc. I see you are 4 years out and you still have your tool, I would get back to basics, protein forward meals, smaller meals, lots of water, avoid simple carbs and exercise. Talk to your PCP and even your surgeon,maybe you can be checked out to see why you are not losing weight, if you are doing all of the above prescribed things. Also, a dietitian, nutritionist could help too. I can imagine that maybe you are having problems with being hungry but I would try to find other ways around that and would never go that route again. Good luck to you.
   — A Q.

December 15, 2006
Hello. While I have not tried OTC diet pills, about a year ago my pcp prescribed Adipex, a mild appetite suppressant, for me because I had gained back 27 pounds before I reached my goal. I was about two years post-op and still had about 60 pounds to go til goal. Between doctor visits I had gained back 27 pounds and reported to him that I was always hungry, so he placed me on the Adipex for about 3 months to jumpstart my losing again. It worked and I went back to basics and began losing again. Now 3 years and 3 months post-op, I am at goal weight: 150 lbs. I don't recommend diet pills unless you are under the care of a physician. My wls doc most likely would not have prescribed diet pills for me, but my pcp knew the kinds of medical problems I had suffered for years b/c of my super-morbid obesity (near-death onset of diabetes, severe back problems, heart failure, depression, etc), so I think he panicked when he saw the weight come back on so rapidly. I am grateful to him, but I seriously don't think I will ever go that route again. Now I just stay w/the program, and watch what I eat. God bless you.
   — MariaHBW

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