Has anyone else had any numbness or weakness in their arms or legs?

I'am 7 months post op and have had alot of nausea, so it's been difficult to take my vitamins and protein regularly. I'm afraid I may be losing muscle.    — mickey1073 (posted on July 6, 2006)

July 6, 2006
Have you had your B12 levels checked? If they are too low you can have numbness and tingling to your arms and legs. Please call your doctor and have they level checked. Good luck. Shelly
   — scharlier

July 6, 2006
Yes I agree with Shelley, You need to get you some B-12 dots, they melt in your mouth and don't taste bed, you can get them at Wal-Mart. I take one a day and they really help me. ~Melissa
   — WannaBSlim

July 6, 2006
I could be B12 but for me it was B1 (thiamin) that I was deficient in. Get your vitamin levels checked and asap because this stuff can be a serious threat to your health if you are deficient. If you are low in B1 and suffer nerve damage it can end up irreversible. YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOUR VITAMINS. This is from someone who has had the same problems and dealt with deficiencies that needed to be dealt with swiftly. Costco has some great liquid vitamins and you can also find Winnie the Pooh pixie stix style vitamins. They go down very easily. Do whatever you have to do, but get them in. You don't want to screw around with can be very serious. Dina
   — Dinka Doo

July 6, 2006
You say it is difficult to take vitamins an dprotein...but no problems with anything else? You must take your vitamins they are needed to survive. If you have had 7 months of nausea what does your surgeon ahve to say abotu this? Could it be mind over matter? Try some chewable are on a slippery slope and sometimes nerve damage is permanent. Please call your surgeon.
   — SteffieBear15

July 6, 2006
Try B-12, I went to my doctor back in December and started on shots. I now give them to myself , once a month. I feel great! He has given me a years supply. It is the way I like to go. Also take all the other vitamins and you should start to feel better. Debbie C
   — Debbie C

July 7, 2006
This is very serious. My mother and I had WLS on 9/26/06. I am fine. My mother on the other hadn had a lot of nausea and was in the hospital off an on from Thanksgiving to mid December. She was taking her vitamins and got her b-12 shots, whn her levels were checked they kept saying everything was fine. On Dec 19th she was fine (except for the nausea) and on Dec 20th she woke up and could not walk at all. She has not walked on her own since then. She was in the hospital and nursing home for about 3 months. She is now home and having to go through Physical Therapy. She has tingling and nubness 24x7. This is serious!! Get to your doctor NOW!!!
   — AnneRie

July 8, 2006
I still have trouble getting my protein and vitamins, and I am 18 mo! I take extra B12, too. Still have nausea if i eat too fast or if I eat and drink less than an hour from each other.
   — Novashannon

July 12, 2006
Along with B12, please get your B1 (thiamin) checked ASAP. The B problems need to be addressed aggressively before the damage is permanenet. NAUSEA can be both cause AND effect of beri beri (thiamin deficiency), so please don't delay. An RD in your area reported on a similar condition at the ASBS and the treatment was IV thiamin and poof, the pt felt better in less than an hour. Vitamins are serious business for us. Vomiting specifically can cause shortages in the B-family. If your doc is not aggressive, write to me privately and I'll see if I can send you to someone who WILL jump all over this.
   — vitalady

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