Anyone have tail-bone pain after losing weight?
Surgery was 9/26/06 and I have lost 94lbs. For about the last 2-3 months I have had sever tail-bone pain. I have not falled or injured it in any way since surgery, so all I can think of is the weight loss has affected it somehow. After sitting for any amount of time, it is extremely painful to stand up. Anyone have this problem? — AnneRie (posted on July 1, 2006)
July 1, 2006
Oh yeah I can remember the pain. I went and got a donut to sit in, I
thought I had a tumor Iwas freaking out and called my mom who was visiting
and said oh my god somthing is wrong
I have this lump. SHe was craking up. The insulation is going away. it is
normal. Sometimes worse than others.Congrads!!!
— T. Rosario
July 1, 2006
like the previous answer, you have lost the cushion and now when you sit,
your sitting directly on the bone. :-)
— sarahp1101
July 1, 2006
Uh huh! I'm having the same problem now, my poor tail bone has been living
under a layer of fat for ages, now it's surfaced, and oh, my, it hurts!!
And yes, Tracy, I've done the same thing. I panicked when I felt a lump in
my upper abdomen -- it turned out to be the end of my breastbone! And
gee, I have ribs! I've been taking them on faith for years!
Congratulations on your weight loss, and have fun discovering more bits of
your anatomy! -- Mary
— mwilson523
July 1, 2006
I have the same problem and yes I have also discovered my breast bone and
ribs. My niece now says that I am boney when she hugs me, lol, but I love
it. Don't get me wrong I am not boney but there is so much less padding on
my old body and I do love it. Keep up the good work!!
— Laural D.
July 1, 2006
Yeah I started having that problem about a month ago and how I first
discovered my tailbone was I thought I would take a hot bath one morning
and I sit down in the tub and I thought I sat on one of the kids tub toys
and i kept reaching under me to see what it was only to discover it was my
tailbone! hahaha
This is crazy but now so my hiny doesnt fall asleep, I sit on one side of
my behind or the otherif I sit flat on my rear end it falls asleep after
awhile, lol
I think it is great actually though, I would rather have a bony butt than
the big one I had beforelol
— Peggy G.
July 1, 2006
Hi, Anne-Marie:
This is a VERY common complaint of people who have lost a tremendous
amount of weight. My tailbone pain was so intense for the first four months
after surgery, I was certain the Doctor had dropped me in the operating
room! Seriously, though, I learned from my support group what the other
members have reiterated in your post; tailbone pain is usually caused by
the sudden loss of cushioning, and the reshifting of body weight. The
donut-type cushions help considerably, as did stretching exercising for me.
I would consult a Doctor if the pain persists. It finally stopped for me
after four months. Each time I would lose 25 pounds or so, I would get hip,
back or knee pain from the "reshifting". It would usually pass
within a week. I also found that crossing my legs when I sat down helped
some of the pain. Since I had not been able to cross my legs for twenty
years, that was a new experience! Hang in there, and congrats on your huge
achievement! Fond regards, Pam
— pjwilsen
July 1, 2006
Hello :) I have experienced the tail bone pain too. I just bought a
pilates tape and even with a thick comforter and a pillow under my butt, I
was still in pain. I had WLS a little under 2 mos ago and have lost 51 lbs
so far. I will buy one of those donut pillows too i think.
— Tasha M.
July 1, 2006
Congrats on your weight loss, I am 3 yrs out and still have problems with
my tail bone. I went to a medical supply store and bought a cushion with a
hole in the back for the tail bone. It has saved me since I sit all the
time and on this cushion, I have no pain. I even bought one for the car.
Try it and keep up the good work.
Karen Williams
— kw6205
July 1, 2006
I have to agree with the other answers you have received. Mine hurt for a
little while, too. It still does off and on when I lose a bit more
Talking about finding bones...It's cool in many respects, I mean you know
they are there but when you feel them for the first time or the first time
in a long time it can sometimes be funny. One time I had an itch on my
upper chest about 3 or 4 inches below my collar bone and when I scratched
it felt lumpy. Well, it wasn't exactly my breast area but it was close
enough that I thought that I had a 'lump'. I called the doctor and he
examined me and sent me to a general surgeon to determine whether it needed
to be removed. He examined me and told me that I had a slight irregular
protruding bone. He kept giving me this weird look as if to say, why
wouldn't you know that? I just kind of smiled and told him how much weight
that I had lost lately and he laughed and said, well, that explains a lot.
He said that it must be disconcerting to find new bones and think they were
lumps...I just laughed because in this case he was right...maybe I was just
too happy that it was a bone instead of breast cancer or
— brdofchrst
July 2, 2006
Yrep. welcome to the world of the not-so-padded! also, yu wil find your
muscles hurt sometimes because the weight has shifted and they work a bit
— Novashannon
July 2, 2006
Anne marie, I agree with everybody else's reason for the pain, and let me
tell you ahead of time, when you start finding bruises all different places
on your body, don't panic and think you must be anemic or signs of leukemia
or something, my doc said that the muscles that I am bruising have also
been padded for quite a while and I am moving more that I did before and I
am banging myself up more that I was when I was heavier. I am with Curves
and I watched myself the last time when I was getting on and off machines
and accounted for just about all the ugly bruises and lumps that I have
found on my body. I told my hubby that I was gonna tell people he was
beating me and kicking me. Hehehehe Debbie
— imdebbie
July 3, 2006
I'm six years post, and still require a pillow to sit on, even though some
of my padding has returned, which is also normal. Some of us call it Butt
Be Back...which happens about 2 years post. It is not only my tailbone
that is sensitive to pressure, it's my hips where the legs attach. I'll
take this pain as opposed to the back spasms I had when I was obese. At
this moment, I'm sitting on one of those "memory foam"'s on my computer chair. I also avoid hard chairs if possible,
opting for couches or upholstered chairs. Recliners are even better....=^D
Regards~ Jacque
— Statuesque
July 3, 2006
Oh my do I know about tail bone pain I get a shots there everyone in a
while of cortazone it does help. I have lost all my cushion and I have a
defective tail bone is is exactly pointing backwards.
— Janine Greenwood
July 6, 2006
hey you...
Isn't amazing you are now feeling your bones... I had the same
will pass, if you feel as though you need to see a doctor, you should
call... Mine was the cushion was leaving...Congrats on your loss!
from 327 to 125...Now I have found my dream!Lots of hurdles but I did it
and now I maintain it through learning how to overcome an OBESE
— shakeyourweight
September 9, 2006
I had WLS (Lap) 6/02. Everything is pedrfectly normal, EXCEPT my tailbone.
I have been seeing dozens of doctors for 3 years trying to solve the
problem. I've had the shots right in the area, I've tried donut pillows,
I've seen Ortho Dr's, etc. Finally, as a last attempt, I had surgery to
have my tailbone removed. That was 3/29/06. The pain is a LITTLE better,
but I still suffer. I have to sit on one side or the other, and as a
result of sitting crooked, I have developed curviture of the spine. I
love my new look, I've lost 160lbs (was 311lbs), but I'm tortured every day
with this pain. My dr. has me on Motrin, and a drug called Neouritin (a
nerve pain drug). I also take Prevacid every day to protect my stomach. I
wish the pain will go away every day.
— rhonda2u
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