Complcation possible plateau problem... Could something be wrong for plateau over a y
— cindy B. (posted on March 19, 2006)
March 19, 2006
don't really understand your question. A plateau is where you don't loose
any weight. You are not in a plateau unless you have gone at least 4
— Steve Cohen
March 19, 2006
It would be helpful if you would make your profile available for us to see.
How far out are you? Please give us more details as to what your problem
is. Did you possibly hit enter before you finished giving us details?
— ChristineB
March 20, 2006
If I understand your question correctly, plateauing is pretty normal. I
believe that it is your body's matabolism just catching up. I have
actually had it happen two different times in the last 15 months and I have
lost a total of 256 lbs. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think it's
actually good because it shows that maybe you aren't losing the weight too
quickly. Good luck!
— Tom
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