is this normal?

I am 3 months out and only go BM once a week if that. Is anyone else this way?    — jengriggs01 (posted on January 27, 2006)

January 26, 2006
if you go once a week that is better than me. i can go as long as 5 weeks. dr states that as long as i have good bowel sounds that i am ok. he says that since i do not eat that much this could be why i don't go. i will eat things to make me go too. i can not take anything as they don't work for me. i did the cleaning prior to surgery and nothing happened. i am a little over 2 years out. good luck. tammi
   — tjjjx6

January 27, 2006
Even if you hadn't had the surgery, once a week is not enough. Without the surgery, a person should be going at least once a day. You might want to look at what you are eating. Since surgery, my partner finds that spinach gives her constipation and she is miserable. She very seldom eats it and when she does, I remind her that she haves problems when eating spinach.
   — the7thdean

January 27, 2006
I am only 5 1/2 weeks post op and I go about 2 times/week...sometimes, 2 days in a row and then nothing for 5 is difficult but I am not just doesn't seem normal when I am used to at least once a day pre op...of course I was eating like a horse and that must have a lot to do with does help to walk alot and drink alot....good luck
   — ash1218

January 27, 2006
I am 5 weeks post-op and I have battled the same issue. I spoke with my dr last week and she said that as long as I went once weekly I was ok. We are not eating as much food these days and should not expect to go as often. Now...if you are feeling uncomfortable and bloated then that is your body telling you it's time to take something. My doctor recommended taking Milk of Mag. as needed. Every doctor is different....but that's what I was told.
   — mmcphee1

January 27, 2006
Yes, I go every 3 or 4 days. The problem I have is when I do go, it is a painful intestines and stomach cramp really bad, almost to tears. But since we do not consume as much food as we used to, we do not have a bm as often. So, yes this is normal.
   — Angelfirewithwings

January 27, 2006
I would have to agree that this is normal. I did not go very often after surgery. Your body is using everything you give it as fuel. There just isnt a whole lot left over that it needs to rid itself of. Now that I am 2+ years out, I go almost every day again - but nothing like it was before. Much less to speak of! lol
   — MissKimberly

January 27, 2006
I am 3 months out and only go BM once a week if that. Is anyone else this way? I am afraid so - why it happens I am not sure but it does. I will goes nearly a week without going and when I do I have to use the plunger to break it up so it will go down. Robert - [email protected]
   — RobertMiller

January 28, 2006
BM are dictated by what you eat more so than by what you drink (per my MD). He suggested I eat HIGH fiber items, so oatmeal, legumes, fruit with pulp, etc. Of course I am 2-1/2+ years out, but that does make a difference. I was drinking water to the point of drowning and that did not alter the BM at all, so I asked. I also take Benefiber or Metamucil on a pretty regular basis, which he said was a "normal" thing for WLS patients to do. Good luck, you will find your own routine. Missy.
   — Missy H.

January 28, 2006
I'm 7mo out and used to suffer form irritable bowels since childhood. So not going to the bathroom 3 or more times a day was un imaginable! I've managed to understand my body better and use food to my advantage when the need occurs. Milk or ice cream does the trick most of the time. (lactose intolerance) just find your trigger and use it. BTW some vitamins (iron mostly) cause constipation and I have heard of extreme cases of blockages but those are rare.
   — SuzieD

January 30, 2006
Yes this is normal.. I go about once a week, sometimes twice a week (but very seldom).. I had surgery in June 2005.. Just don't let yourself go to long without going... Sometimes I have to take stool softeners. One time I got impacted and that hurts like crazy.. Just be careful..
   — mzb2u

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