Any suggestions about hair lose?

I am almost 9 months post op and I feel GREAT but I have lost a considerable amount of hair and it is very upsetting...My hair was my suggestions of remedies. old-wives tale concotions or anything of the sort that might help??...I am desperate here...Thanks    — Kaybubbles (posted on November 28, 2005)

November 28, 2005
Hi! I know what you mean about hair being your "thing". My hair was the one thing I loved about me as a MO person. And it fell out by the handful! But it is growing back now (since about 9 months out). It looks absolutely horrible though because I have long wavy hair and then all this short super curly hair growing in. But I figure...small price to pay for my new life. As far as making sure it grows back in. You've got to get all of your protien and suppliments in daily. I have a friend who is 3 years out and she still loses her hair if she doesn't watch her protien. Good luck, Rachel
   — Rachelq

November 28, 2005
Make sure you are getting in your protein is the first thing - One thin I did to make the loss less obvious - I have dark hair - I added blonde highlights. Hair color makes the hair shaft fuller. The lighter coor also reduced the contrast between my fair skinned scalp and my dark hair. Also I trimmed the length. Short hair looks fuller. You might also want to try a thickinging shampoo.
   — kathy942

November 28, 2005
I took Bioten over the counter at wal-mart worked for me wonderfully , Good Luck Flo
   — Flo

November 28, 2005
I do not know from experience, but from what I have read on this board hair loss is one thing that comes from not getting enough protien in. Also not taking multivitamins. Maybe and again this is not from experience, but you should try and up your protien intake. Melissa
   — kizie23

November 29, 2005
There are several different things that I keep hearing about. Not all of them work for everyone. However, here they are: Biotin supplements, zinc supplements, shampoo with biotin, shampoo with zinc (active ingredient in some dandruff shampoos)...I use a shampoo with both made by Avalon Organics called Thickening shampoo B-complex bought online at GNC...., more protein. Any or all of these may help. Carmen
   — kccjer

November 29, 2005
My surgeon has me taking Biotin daily and I believe it is an OTC supplement you can get at Wal-Mart...Good luck
   — Jan

November 29, 2005
Are you drinking your protein supplements and taking your vitamins?
   — Novashannon

November 29, 2005
Hi, my nutritionist suggested Hair, Nails, and Skin vitamins from Wal-Mart. It is helping me. I can't get the protein I need, is the reason she told me to use it.
   — txmjc54

November 30, 2005
My hairdresser has a special shampoo that has been developed for cancer patients who have thinning great for wls patients too. I forget the name though, so ask your hairdresser.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 30, 2005
My hair is my thing too... I use "Hair, Skin and Nails" from It is not very expensive and it works wonders. If you are not able to take full sized pills yet, grind them up. Also, make sure you are getting enough protein into your body. Double up if you have to... best wishes.
   — jfg_wife

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