Any last minute suggestions before my April 9th surgery?
As prepared as I think I might be for my surgery Wednesday, April 9th, I am sure there might be a few things I haven't thought of. I would be grateful for any tips or suggestions that you wish someone would have told you before your surgery and recovery period. Thanks!!! — victoriandove (posted on April 7, 2003)
April 7, 2003
Hi, Congratulations and Good Luck!! These are a few that I needed when I
got home: One of those grabber things to pick things up with,(A MUST HAVE),
a wooden spoon with wet ones for wiping after going to the bathroom, a
backscratcher actually came in handy, chapstick, Those are the big ones
that I can remember. Most of all try to be calm, I was a mess the day
before surgery but very calm the day of, Good Luck!!
— Kelly* P.
April 7, 2003
LIP BALM, slippers and a small pillow for the ride home!!! Also, LeyAnn
is right. The "blue stuff" does NOT come out. I had to have it
cut out : ( just when I was letting my hair grow...Best of luck to you!!!'s finally here!!
— msmaryk
April 7, 2003
A small personal fan. Hospitals are sooo hot and my little fan was a life
saver in keeping me comfy. Lip balm definitely. Your not there long
enough for reading materials other than glancing at a magazine. Slip on
shoes so that you don't have to bend to tie anything.
— Cindy R.
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