My husband has suddenly become very insecure.
If we get into a disagreement, he all of a sudden says that I'm just going to leave him. Whats that all about? I have never seen this side of him before, and I really don't care for it very much. Anyone else experience this? — Cheri M. (posted on March 25, 2002)
March 24, 2002
My hubby and I had a big blow up a few weeks ago, and then a day or two
later he was in tears, saying that he was so afraid to lose me, and that he
had always known I was beautiful inside, but now all the world could see I
was "beautiful on the outside, too." I think it happens to a lot
of couples. WE all have to play it by ear, I think. Good luck, Donna in AL
— Donna S. C.
March 24, 2002
I think he's just scared he'll lose you now that other people will be more
attracted to the "thinner" you. My husband is the same, but we
already have probles. To me this is one more thing to add to the "bad
list". Why wasn't he as attentive and protective when I was at my
biggest and now that another guy may smile at me he has a nervous
breakdown? I don't know how your relationship is to begin with, but I'd say
maybe try talking about it with a marriage counselor before it gets out of
hand. Or if you're in the same boat I am, get some phone numbers of these
new admirerers.
— Paula Prichard
March 27, 2002
I think it would be an unfair expection of us not to think our husband
don't have some emotional issue with our weight. Think about all the
emotional issues we have had or are having about it. The hard part is
dealing with it together. Communication - Real Communication, the kind
where you talk about feelings, fears, insecurities, hopes, dreams, etc. is
the key to working this all out. Ensuring your partner that you are
committed to him. This may sound corny, but I heard this advice from Zig
Zigler (a Christian Motivational Speaker)"My wife and I each morning
spend time together and before I leave her side to start my day I look at
her and say,'Today, I chose you'". His point was that your spouse
needs to feel secure in your relationship and that loving your spouse is
about choice. You chose or not chose to love them above all others.
— Cheryl S.
March 27, 2002
My husband says the same thing. He has always love me for me and been
somewhat jealous of other guys. Now he is more afraid someone else is
going to notice the new me, and he knows how much attention I get and
people telling me how good I look since I have lost so much weight. Plus
my attitude has changed alot and I have alot more self esteem than I used
to. Sometimes him saying that gets on my nerves and other times I just
— Bethany F.
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