Has anyone found Citracal Liquitab?

I have tried Wal-mart and Target and they said that it was fairly new and not stocking it just yet. Has anyone found it yet? And if you are not is a tablet that dissolves in water, effervescent. Sounds like a plan to me, but cannot locate. Thanks.    — Cheri M. (posted on February 10, 2002)

February 10, 2002
They have it at
   — Jennifer H.

February 10, 2002
You can ask your drugstore to order it for you. May be able to get it in 24 hours
   — Linda V.

February 11, 2002
I also looked everywhere for it and finally went on the internet and found it at for $4.99 a bottle and with free shipping!
   — Jean B.

February 11, 2002
WOW...that's a great price! I paid SO much more for it than that. I had the pharmacist at Target order it for me. I got it in 24 hours but he had a hard time finding it on the computer to order it. I'm drinking mine even now as I type and it's yummy. <p> My dietatition wants us to drop it in to fizz and then wait until it's flat to drink it ;{ She's of the opinion that anything fizzy with stretch your pouch. I don't know if she's right but oh well. It tastes great even flat... <p> I'm ordering the next round from the internet it!
   — Barbi B.

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